Tutorial by Topics: if

Xamarin.Android application lifecycle is the same as normal Android app. When talking about lifecycle we need to talk about: Application lifecycle, Activity lifecycle and Fragment lifecycle. In the below I'll try to provide a good description and way of using them. I obtained this documentation fr...
This documentation explains and provides steps to download latest artifact from a JFrog Artifactory repository using Powershell Script (v2.0 or below).
Download latest Artifact from Artifactory repository using shell script.
grep, egrep, fgrep, rgrep, pgrep - are commands in Unix-like operating systems that print lines matching a pattern. The grep searches the named input FILEs for lines containing a match to the given PATTERN. By default, it prints the matching lines. In addition, the variant programs egrep, fgr...
We might need to modify the attributes before record is created. My use case was encrypting password when user is created. Hooks doc is here http://docs.sequelizejs.com/en/v3/docs/hooks/#instance-hooks. It documents the way to use it with a library / function that returns a Promise. But the use ca...
Format-Specifiers are used in Objective-c to implant object-values into a string. %@ //String %d //Signed 32-bit integer %D //Signed 32-bit integer %u //Unsigned 32-bit integer %U //Unsigned 32-bit integer %x //Unsigned 32-bit integer in lowercase hexadecimal format %X //Unsigned 32-bit ...
This topic is intended to demonstrate various patterns and practices available to modify base data views in Acumatica.
Algorithms are a backbone to computing. Making a choice of which algorithm to use in which situation distinguishes an average from good programmer. With that in mind, here are definitions and code examples of some of the basic algorithms out there.
Inspired by game development UIPheonix is a super easy, flexible, dynamic and highly scalable UI framework + concept for building reusable component/control-driven apps for macOS, iOS and tvOS. The same API apply for cross platform development! Think of it as using Lego blocks, you can use similar o...
sub and gsub are used to edit strings using patterns. See Pattern Matching and Replacement for more on related functions and Regular Expressions for how to build a pattern.
Storage class specifiers are keywords that can be used in declarations. They do not affect the type of the declaration, but typically modify the way in which the entity is stored. There are six storage class specifiers, although not all in the same version of the language: auto (until C++11), ...
A linkage specification tells the compiler to compile declarations in a way that allows them to be linked together with declarations written in another language, such as C. extern string-literal { declaration-seq(opt) } extern string-literal declaration The standard requires all compil...
Advance functions like map, flatMap, filter, and reduce are used to operate on various collection types like Array and Dictionary. Advance functions typically require little code and can be chained together in order to build up complex logic in a concise way.
In this topic you will learn how to modify field attributes inherited from the PXStringList or PXIntList attributes. The demonstrated approach will make sure to not break functionality of the base Acumatica ERP product and require minimal maintenance, if any, while upgrading your customizations to a...
Difference Lists in Prolog denotes the concept to know the structure of a list up to a point. The remaining of the list can be left unbound until the complete evaluation of a predicate. A list where its end is unknown is referred as an open list, ended by a hole. This technique is especially useful ...
To quote from @SnoringFrog's topic-creation request: "One of the biggest gotchas using sed is scripts that fail (or succeed in an unexpected way) because they were written for one and not the other. Simple run-down of the more major differences would be good." macOS uses the BSD ver...
iOS 10 gave us UserNotifications.framework, the new API for local/remote notifications. It offers viewing media attachments or responding to messages right from the notification. Notification content consists of: title, subtitle, body and attachment. Attachment can contain images/gifs/videos up t...

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