Tutorial by Topics: int

public static void GUILayout.Label(string text, params GUILayoutOption[] options) public static bool GUILayout.Button(string text, params GUILayoutOption[] options) public static string GUILayout.TextArea(string text, params GUILayoutOption[] options)
Unlike source code files, the semicolon ';' is mandatory to terminate each expression in the REPL.
With python matplotlib you can properly make animated graphs.
This section provides an overview of what spring-integration is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within spring-integration, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for spring-integration is new, you may need to create initia...
object ExecuteAsyncScript(string script, params object[] args); object ExecuteScript(string script, params object[] args);
zy = interp1(x,y); zy = interp1(x,y,'method'); zy = interp1(x,y,'method','extrapolation'); zy = interp1(x,y,zx); zy = interp1(x,y,zx,'method'); zy = interp1(x,y,zx,'method','extrapolation');
The Open CV libraries can be found on the web by using a search engine. The Gotchas: If you lower your target platform below KitKat some of the OpenCV libraries will no longer function, specifically the classes related to org.opencv.android.Camera2Renderer and other related classes. You can p...
sqlcmd -S SHERAZM-E7450\SQL2008R2 -d Baseline_DB_Aug_2016 -o c:\employee.txt -Q "select * from employee"
Internationalization is an engineering process intended to generalize a product so that it can handle multiple languages, scripts and cultural conventions without the need for redesign or recompilation. It involves a range of activities, such as: Prepare software distribution platforms for a gl...
The this pointer is a keyword for C++ therfore there is no library needed to implement this. And do not forget this is a pointer! So you cannot do: this.someMember(); As you access member functions or member variables from pointers using the arrow symbol -> : this->someMember(); ...
foreign import ccall unsafe "foo" hFoo :: Int32 -> IO Int32 {- Imports a function named foo in some object file, and defines the symbol hFoo which can be called with Haskell code. -} While cabal has support for including a C and C++ libraries in a Haskell package, there are a f...
let raw_ptr = &pointee as *const type // create constant raw pointer to some data let raw_mut_ptr = &mut pointee as *mut type // create mutable raw pointer to some mutable data let deref = *raw_ptr // dereference a raw pointer (requires unsafe block) Raw pointers are not guarant...
Constraints are a term used in all of the existing C specifications (recently ISO-IEC 9899-2011). They are one of the three parts of the language described in clause 6 of the standard (along side syntax and semantics). ISO-IEC 9899-2011 defines a constraint as a: restriction, either syntactic ...

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