Tutorial by Topics: le

Variables are what make up most of JavaScript. These variables make up things from numbers to objects, which are all over JavaScript to make one's life much easier. var {variable_name} [= {value}]; variable_name{Required} The name of the variable: used when calling it.=[Optional] Assignm...
Take, Skip, TakeWhile and SkipWhile are all called Partitioning Operators since they obtain a section of an input sequence as determined by a given condition. Let us discuss these operators
This technique divides input data into data classes to reduce test cases amount to validate a rule. The idea is that given a set of possible equivalent values, using just one of those values will be enough to design a test case. An advantage of this approach is reduction in the time required for...
This topic will contain all the basics in compiler construction that you will need to know so that you can get started in making your own compiler. This documentation topic will contain the first 2 out of 4 sections in compiler constructions and the rest will be in a different topic. The topics whi...
To be able to interact with a page, you need to tell Protractor exactly which element to look for. The basis used for selecting elements are locators. Protractor, as well as including the generic Selenium selectors, also has Angular-specific locators which are more robust and persistent to changes. ...
This topic is meant to be a memento about the R language without any text, with self-explanatory examples. Each example is meant to be as succint as possible.
When the record count is too high , loading all records at once can make application slow in addition user will not like the idea of scrolling thousand of records to find what he is looking for. Its better to give user a power search and filter the records as he types the character.
This section provides an overview of what google-play is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within google-play, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for google-play is new, you may need to create initial versions of those ...
Angular modules are containers for different parts of your app. You can have nested modules, your app.module is already actually nesting other modules such as BrowserModule and you can add RouterModule and so on.
Toast messages are the most simple way of providing feedback to the user. By default, Android provide gray color message toast where we can set the message and the duration of the message. If we need to create more customizable and reusable toast message, we can implement it by ourselves with the us...
Java offers a wide variety of Collections. Choosing which Collection to use can be tricky. See the Examples section for an easy-to-follow flowchart to choose the right Collection for the job.
This topic includes coding examples related to Angular Material 2 Autocomplete (md-autocomplete) These examples don't cover all features of md-autocomplete. Please read the documentation learn more about md-autocomplete.
Sleep command can be used to pause for given time. If you want to use different input, use like this Seconds : $sleep 1s (seconds is default) Minutes : $sleep 1m Hours : $sleep 1h days : $sleep 1d If you want to sleep for less that one second, use $sleep 0.5 You can use like above accord...
It is often useful to present a first-run experience to new users of your App. This could be for any number of reasons, such as prompting them to sign in (if required for your situation), explaining how to use the App, or simply informing them of new features in an update (as Notes, Photos and Music...
Applescript is a powerful scripting language that can be used directly from the Terminal command line to accomplish a multitude of tasks. All examples listed in this section are meant to be used from the Terminal application.
This topic includes short, brief but comprehensive examples of loading pre-trained weights, inserting new layers on top or in the middle of pre-tained ones, and training a new network with partly pre-trained weights. An example for each of out-of-the-box pre-trained networks, available in Keras libr...
Removing old data from dynamodb using a date attribute. My use case: removing old data from dynamodb using a date attribute. Important things to know: You can't query a table with using only range key attribute (date for example). You can only query a table using hash or hash+range key. ...
One of the best front-end frameworks in the web world in twitter bootstrap. As electron is relies on web browser, we can easily use bootstrap with electron in order to use the power of bootstrap in our electron framework. The latest version of bootstrap as of today is 3.3.7 and bootstrap 4 is still...

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