Tutorial by Topics: m

Way to show how Node.Js can communicate with Arduino Uno.
In the new Windows 10 Applications there are many ways to reference a resource inside XAML code or in code behind. First of all you have to declare the resources in some accessible place. The easy way is to declare a ResourceDictionary in context, let's say in the current page.
This section provides an overview of what timezone is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within timezone, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for timezone is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related t...
This tutorial will guide through the steps to create a simple custom layer for Caffe using python. By the end of it, there are some examples of custom layers. Usually you would create a custom layer to implement a functionality that isn't available in Caffe, tuning it for your requirements. Creatin...
creating your first .tsconfig configuration file which will tell the TypeScript compiler how to treat your .ts files
In simple words the purpose of any IoT device is to connect with other IoT devices and applications (cloud-based mostly) to relay information using internet transfer protocols. The gap between the device sensors and data networks is filled by an IoT Platform.
std::unordered_map is just an associative container. It works on keys and their maps. Key as the names goes, helps to have uniqueness in the map. While the mapped value is just a content that is associated with the key. The data types of this key and map can be any of the predefined data type or use...
This shows how a runtime error check routine of your own making can be easily incorporated so that it doesn't generate any code overhead when it is turned off.
There are a number of exceptions that can be thrown while using a webdriver. The examples below are meant to give an idea of what they mean.
In order to use the pipe in a user-created package, it must be listed in the NAMESPACE like any other function you choose to import.
This can be done using 2 methods with HTTP Post request, With Firebase admin SDK running on your server. Here I will discuss both of them.
CLASS DEFINITION ABSTRACT FINAL makes the program class essentially static as instance methods could never be used. The intention is to keep the class minimal.
The image package provides basic functionalities for working with 2-D image. This topic describes several basic operations when working with image such as reading and writing a particular image format, cropping, accessing and modifying pixel, color conversion, resizing and basic image filtering. ...
Immutable objects are instances whose state doesn’t change after it has been initialized. For example, String is an immutable class and once instantiated its value never changes. Some immutable classes in Java: java.lang.String The wrapper classes for the primitive types: java.lang.Integer...
Inter-process communication (IPC) mechanisms allow different independent processes to communicate with each other. Standard C does not provide any IPC mechanisms. Therefore, all such mechanisms are defined by the host operating system. POSIX defines an extensive set of IPC mechanisms; Windows def...
Timezones are often a hassle for developers. Django offers some great utilities at your disposal to make timezones easy to work with. Even if your project is operating in a single time zone, it is still good practice to store data as UTC in your database to handle cases of daylight savings. If you ...
The GNU compiler offers various levels of optimizations for the compilation process. These optimizations are used to improve the code performance and/or code size. Compiling a code with optimizations on, typically takes longer to complete. This command tells you what optimizations are available on ...

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