Tutorial by Topics: me

Error Log Locations /var/log/ Typically the system.log and exception.log file will exist in the /var/log/ folder. These contain most of the information you will need. You can check to see if these are enabled and what the names of the exception and system log are by going to System > Conf...
Using undocumented features is considered a risky practice1, as these features may change without notice or simply work differently on different MATLAB versions. For this reason, it is advised to employ defensive programming techniques such as enclosing undocumented pieces of code within try/cat...
// Single-line comment /* Multi-line/In-line comment */ /// Dartdoc comment It is good practice to add comments to your code to explain why something is done or to explain what something does. This helps any future readers of your code to more easily understand your code. Related topic(s...
[[local] mt = ]getmetatable(t) --> retrieve associated metatable for 't' [[local] t = ]setmetatable(t, mt) --> set the metatable for 't' to 'mt' and returns 't' ParameterDetailstVariable referring to a lua table; can also be a table literal.mtTable to use as a metatable; can have ze...
#include <windows.h> BOOL WINAPI DestroyWindow(HWND hwnd); VOID WINAPI PostQuitMessage(int exitcode); BOOL WINAPI MoveWindow(HWND hwnd, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, BOOL bRepaint);
Examples for developers module should be used as a reference for module development ideally. It has explanation of all the major APIs, well documented usage. It is all in for begineers to understand module development.
Meteor.wrapAsync(func, [context]) ParametersDetailsfunc: FunctionAn asynchronous/synchronous function to be wrapped in a Fiber that takes a callback w/ parameters (error, result).context: Any (optional)A data context in which the function gets executed upon. An asynchronously wrapped funct...
Setup Download and install Atmel Studio 7 from here. Purchase a debugger. You can get by with a ISP programmer, but if you want debugging capabilities, which is one of the big advantages of using Atmel Studio, you will want a debugger. I recommend the Atmel ICE, as it provides debugging ca...
PREPARE stmt_name FROM preparable_stmt EXECUTE stmt_name [USING @var_name [, @var_name] ...] {DEALLOCATE | DROP} PREPARE stmt_name
ParameterDetailsintervalThe time, in seconds, to wait beforing firing the timer; or, in repeating timers, the time between firings.targetThe object to call the selector onselectorIn Swift, a Selector object specifying the method to call on the targetrepeatsIf false, fire the timer only once. If tru...
In computer programming, an enumerated type (also called enumeration or enum [..]) is a data type consisting of a set of named values called elements, members or enumerators of the type. The enumerator names are usually identifiers that behave as constants in the language. A variable that h...
For FIFOs, you typically instantiate a vendor-specific block (also called a "core" or "IP").
In contrast to Java's switch, the when statement has no fall-through behavior. This means, that if a branch is matched, the control flow returns after its execution and no break statement is required. If you want to combine the bahaviors for multiple arguments, you can write multiple arguments sep...

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