Tutorial by Topics: me

AttributeDescriptionGlobalAttributes that are available to any HTML5 element. For comprehensive documentation of these attributes see: MDN Global AttributesnameA string representing the name of an output. As a form element, output can be referenced by it's name using the document.forms property. Th...
Some times you need to create extended text documentation from you xml comments. Unfortunatly there is no standard way for it. But there are some separate projects that you can use for this case: Sandcastle Docu NDoc DocFX
Build a named capture group (X being the pattern you want to capture): (?'name'X) (?X) (?PX) Reference a named capture group: ${name} \{name} g\{name} Python and Java don't allow multiple groups to use the same name.
This topic outlines how and when the Swift runtime shall allocate memory for application data structures, and when that memory shall be reclaimed. By default, the memory backing class instances is managed through reference counting. The structures are always passed through copying. To opt out of th...
shift shifts the positional parameters to the left so that $2 becomes $1, $3 becomes $2 and so forth. "$@" is an array of all the positional parameters passed to the script/function. "$*" is an string composed of all the positional parameters passed to the script/function. ...
TODO: Short description of Chrome Extensions Official documentation What are extensions? (documentation hub) Getting Started tutorial (basic tutorial) Overview JavaScript APIs (comprehensive list of chrome.* APIs) Further reading TODO: Populate with links to important overview t...
Entity Framework (EF) is an object-relational mapper (ORM) that enables .NET developers to work with relational data using domain-specific objects. It eliminates the need for most of the data-access code that developers usually need to write. Entity Framework allows you to create a model by writi...
This section provides an overview of what scheme is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within scheme, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for scheme is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics. ...
A Virtual Environment is a tool to keep the dependencies required by different projects in separate places, by creating virtual Python environments for them. It solves the “Project X depends on version 1.x but, Project Y needs 4.x” dilemma, and keeps your global site-packages directory clean and man...
uname - to print information about your operating system. uname [OPTION]
Ionic is a framework for developing mobile applications with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Ionic applications run as native applications and have a native "look and feel". Ionic is built on the AngularJS framework and provides a complete solution to design, build, and package mobile applic...
Pseudo-elements, just like pseudo-classes, are added to a CSS selectors but instead of describing a special state, they allow you to scope and style certain parts of an html element. For example, the ::first-letter pseudo-element targets only the first letter of a block element specified by the sel...
You can find a good explanation on why other methods are discouraged/inaccurate here : http://stackoverflow.com/a/11169920/4628637
While Python's context managers are widely used, few understand the purpose behind their use. These statements, commonly used with reading and writing files, assist the application in conserving system memory and improve resource management by ensuring specific resources are only in use for certain ...
The Polymer project consists of: Polymer library: Polymer is a lightweight library that helps you take full advantage of Web Components. With Web Components, you can create reusable custom elements that interoperate seamlessly with the browser’s built-in elements, or break your app up into righ...
Functions in Ruby provide organized, reusable code to preform a set of actions. Functions simplify the coding process, prevent redundant logic, and make code easier to follow. This topic describes the declaration and utilization of functions, arguments, parameters, yield statements and scope in Ruby...
In C, it is common to use return values to denote errors that occur; and to return data through the use of passed in pointers. This can be done for multiple reasons; including not having to allocate memory on the heap or using static allocation at the point where the function is called.
From the PHP documentation: What are namespaces? In the broadest definition namespaces are a way of encapsulating items. This can be seen as an abstract concept in many places. For example, in any operating system directories serve to group related files, and act as a namespace for the files wi...
PrimeFaces is an open source JSF framework. Its main features: 100+ components. Built-in Ajax based on standard JSF Ajax APIs. Push support via Atmosphere Framework. Mobile UI kit to create mobile web applications. 35+ built-in themes. Premium themes and layouts. VersionRelease Date0...

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