Tutorial by Topics: mod

Sails comes installed with a powerful ORM/ODM called Waterline, a datastore-agnostic tool that dramatically simplifies interaction with one or more databases. It provides an abstraction layer on top of the underlying database, allowing you to easily query and manipulate your data without writing v...
Doze Mode is a set of changes and rules that put your phone to sleep when idle. On Android 6.0 Marshmallow: Doze mode gets activated after a while the screen is off, the device is stationary and it's running on battery. As you can see in the diagram above, when Doze Mode gets activated, the d...
A significant role in automating web sites and web applications involves identifying items on the screen and interacting with them. Items are found in Selenium through the use of locators and the By class. These locators and interactions are put inside Page Objects as a best practice to avoid duplic...
The CSS Object Model (CSSOM) is a specification on its own. The current draft can be found here: https://www.w3.org/TR/cssom-1/
Tensorflow distinguishes between saving/restoring the current values of all the variables in a graph and saving/restoring the actual graph structure. To restore the graph, you are free to use either Tensorflow's functions or just call your piece of code again, that built the graph in the first place...
Regular expression patterns are often used with modifiers (also called flags) that redefine regex behavior. Regex modifiers can be regular (e.g. /abc/i) and inline (or embedded) (e.g. (?i)abc). The most common modifiers are global, case-insensitive, multiline and dotall modifiers. However, regex fla...
module Name where -- export all names declared in this file module Name (functionOne, Type (..)) where -- export only functionOne, Type, and Type's constructors import Module -- import all of Module's exported names import qualified Module as MN -- qualified import import...
Amazon DynamoDB is a fast NoSQL database service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). DynamoDB can be invoked from .NET applications by using the AWS SDK for .NET. The SDK provides three different models for communicating with DynamoDB. This topic is introduces the various APIs in each model. ...
requires java.xml; requires public java.xml; # exposes module to dependents for use exports com.example.foo; # dependents can use public types in this package exports com.example.foo.impl to com.example.bar; # restrict usage to a module The use of modules is encouraged but not required, ...

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