Tutorial by Topics: mode

A significant role in automating web sites and web applications involves identifying items on the screen and interacting with them. Items are found in Selenium through the use of locators and the By class. These locators and interactions are put inside Page Objects as a best practice to avoid duplic...
The CSS Object Model (CSSOM) is a specification on its own. The current draft can be found here: https://www.w3.org/TR/cssom-1/
Tensorflow distinguishes between saving/restoring the current values of all the variables in a graph and saving/restoring the actual graph structure. To restore the graph, you are free to use either Tensorflow's functions or just call your piece of code again, that built the graph in the first place...
:[range]sor[t][!] [b][f][i][n][o][r][u][x] [/{pattern}/] Note: Options [n][f][x][o][b] are mutually exclusive. See sorting in the vim manual for the canonical explanation
Org is a mode for keeping notes, maintaining TODO lists, and project planning with a fast and effective plain-text system. It also is an authoring system with unique support for literate programming and reproducible research. org Mode official site
pygame.display.set_mode(resolution=(0,0), flags=0, depth=0) # Returns a pygame.Surface representing the window on screen flags = pygame.FULLSCREEN | pygame.OPENGL # Flags can be combined using the "|" (bitwise OR or "pipe") character. parameterexplainationresolutiona pai...
The Java Memory Model is the section of the JLS that specifies the conditions under which one thread is guaranteed to see the effects of memory writes made by another thread. The relevant section in recent editions is "JLS 17.4 Memory Model" (in Java 8, Java 7, Java 6) There was a majo...
public static void GUILayout.Label(string text, params GUILayoutOption[] options) public static bool GUILayout.Button(string text, params GUILayoutOption[] options) public static string GUILayout.TextArea(string text, params GUILayoutOption[] options)
Conceptual Hierarchy In the SharePoint conceptual hierarchy, site collections contain sites, which in turn contain lists. A site collection (SPSite) has no explicit UI but always contains one root level site (accessible through the RootWeb property) and possibly additional subsites under that r...
This section provides an overview of what django-models is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within django-models, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for django-models is new, you may need to create initial versions of t...

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