Tutorial by Topics: no

iOS notifications are a simple and powerful way to send data in a loosely coupled way. That is, the sender of a notification doesn't have to care about who (if anyone) receives the notification, it just posts it out there to the rest of the app and it could be picked up by lots of things or nothing ...
There will come a time where your CakePHP application will need to query more than one database. The method for requesting Models from non-default databases is not present in the official documentation.
We can add validations to our application by adding Data Annotations to our model classes. Data Annotations allow us to describe the rules we want applied to our model properties, and ASP.NET MVC will take care of enforcing them and displaying appropriate messages to users.
An error 1009 is a general error that arises when you are trying to receive a value out of a variable or property that has a value of null. The examples provided expose various cases where this error arises, together with some recommendations on how to mitigate the error. The dreaded and often ask...
Meteor.wrapAsync(func, [context]) ParametersDetailsfunc: FunctionAn asynchronous/synchronous function to be wrapped in a Fiber that takes a callback w/ parameters (error, result).context: Any (optional)A data context in which the function gets executed upon. An asynchronously wrapped funct...
Setup Download and install Atmel Studio 7 from here. Purchase a debugger. You can get by with a ISP programmer, but if you want debugging capabilities, which is one of the big advantages of using Atmel Studio, you will want a debugger. I recommend the Atmel ICE, as it provides debugging ca...
MonoGame is a managed code game-framework with cross-platform support. It is an Open Source implementation of the Microsoft XNA 4 Framework. Using the reliability of managed code with .NET and Mono and the support of many platforms, it simplifies the development of games on multiple platforms. Pl...

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