Tutorial by Topics: np

Introduce how to use kubernetes in production environment
Function is a series of statements enclosed by "Function" and "End Function" statements. The Function performs an activity and returns control to the caller. When it returns control, it also returns a value to the calling code. You can define a Function in a Class, Structure &a...
One of the challenges I faced when I first started using SAS was not only passing Macro Variable data into a PROC SQL pass-through, but having it resolve properly if it needed quotes around it. When passing a string like value or date/datetime into a PROC SQL pass-through, it most likely needs to ha...
When laying out controls, it is easy to hard-code specific values in margins and paddings to make things fit the desired layout. However, by hard-coding these values, maintenance becomes much more expensive. If the layout changes, in what might be considered a trivial way, then a lot of work has to ...
Yarn is a package manager for Node.js, similar to npm. While sharing a lot of common ground, there are some key differences between Yarn and npm.
Design patterns are general solutions to problems that frequently occur in software development. The following are templates of standardized best practices in structuring and designing code, as well as examples of common contexts in which these design patterns would be appropriate. Structural desig...
With classes derived from CustomizationPlug you can utilize capabilities of the Acumatica Customization Platform and execute custom code after the customization project has been published. In this topic you will learn how customization plug-ins can be used to make changes in multiple companies. Mor...
Accomplish some common design patterns in Bash
Functional programming decomposes a problem into a set of functions. Ideally, functions only take inputs and produce outputs, and don’t have any internal state that affects the output produced for a given input.below are functional techniques common to many languages: such as lambda, map, reduce. ...
In this topic you will learn how to replacing standard Acumatica images on the login page. The demonstrated approach will make sure to keep your custom images on login page after the upgrade to a newer version and restore original images, provided by Acumatica, if at some point your customization ap...
Spatiotemporal data, or data with spatial and temporal qualities, are a common occurrence. Examples include videos, as well as sequences of image-like data, such as spectrograms. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are particularly suited for finding spatial patterns. Recurrent Neural Networks (RN...
The principle basically says, Class should depend on abstractions (e.g interface, abstract classes), not specific details (implementations). That means, You should let the caller create the dependencies instead of letting the class itself create the dependencies.
The principle states that no client should be forced to depend on methods that it doesn't use. A client should never be forced to implement an interface that it doesn't use or client shouldn't be forced to depend on methods that they don't use.
Structural design patterns are patterns that describe how objects and classes can be combined and form a large structure and that ease design by identifying a simple way to realize relationships between entities. There are seven structural patterns described. They are as follows: Adapter, Bridge, Co...
Adding an image file (preferable a png) to your game as an "Image" object in Phaser. game.load.image( name:string, file:string,); game.add.image( x:number, y:number, name:string); An Image object is a good choice for things in your game that don't use frame animations and...
OptionParser can be used for parsing command line options from ARGV.
To get a user's input and store it in a variable, you can use the InputBox command. The script will not continue executing commands until the user either presses 'OK' or 'Cancel'. 'OK' will close the window and save the user's input 'Cancel' will close the window, discarding the user's input ...

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