Tutorial by Topics: on

The configuration file contains information which Protractor uses to run your test script. Here I'll try to give a few different variations.
This shows the proper usage of images and how to correctly display images.
This section describes how central (iOS app) can scan available BLE peripherals and connect with one we are interested in.
When compiling, the compiler will often modify the program to increase performance. This is permitted by the as-if rule, which allows any and all transformations that do not change observable behavior.
In my path to studying programming there have been simple, but interesting problems to solve as exercises. One of those problems was to rotate an array(or another collection) by a certain value. Here I will share with you a simple formula to do it.
It is sometimes useful to get the maven properties, such as the current version, in code. Here are some ways to to it.
Per Google documentation: "Interface to global information about an application environment. It allows access to application-specific resources and classes, as well as up-calls for application-level operations such as launching activities, broadcasting and receiving intents, etc." More si...
This topic would cover how angular-cli project is ready for production build, what all necessary steps taken before deploying, how to create war file for project deployment and finally how to configure the apache tomcat for angular-cli project deployment.
Anonymous classes are useful when simple, one-off objects need to be created. They can be used in place of a full class definition. They can everything a normal class can: pass arguments through to their constructors, extend other classes, implement interfaces, use traits. Anonymous classes are as...
A Virtual Environment ("virtualenv") is a tool to create isolated Python environments. It keeps the dependencies required by different projects in separate places, by creating virtual Python env for them. It solves the “project A depends on version 2.xxx but, project B needs 2.xxx” dilemma...
The arrival of Java 9 brings many new features to Java's Collections API, one of which being collection factory methods. These methods allow for easy initialization of immutable collections, whether they be empty or nonempty. Note that these factory methods are only available for the following int...
First we need to know what a MessageBox is... The MessageBox control displays a message with specified text, and can be customised by specifying a custom image, title and button sets (These button sets allow the user to choose more than a basic yes/no answer). By creating our own MessageBox we can...
ParameterDetailsfontbytesbyte array from the binary .ttf
UIFont is a class that is used for getting and setting font-related information. It inherits from NSObject and conforms to Hashable, Equatable, CVarArg and NSCopying.
Coercion happens in R when the type of objects are changed during computation either implicitly or by using functions for explicit coercion (such as as.numeric, as.data.frame, etc.).
Working with threads might need some synchronization techniques if the threads interact. In this topic, you can find the different structures which are provided by the standard library to solve these issues.
This topic is about the integration of third-party advertisement services, such as Unity Ads or Google AdMob, into a Unity project. This applies to Unity Ads. Make sure that Test Mode for Unity Ads is enabled during development You, as the developer, are not allowed to generate impressio...

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