Tutorial by Topics: pl

On this page, you can find examples of how design patterns are implemented in C++. For the details on these patterns, you can check out the design patterns documentation. A design pattern is a general reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem within a given context in software design. ...
An example of how to use dependency injection in .net without using a container. Based on examples by Mark Seemann http://blog.ploeh.dk/
webpack-hot-middleware Use with webpack-dev-middleware, by adding webpack-hot-middleware/client to entry. Config Add configs as query string to the path. Example: webpack-hot-middleware/client?path=/__what&timeout=2000&overlay=false OptionDescriptionpathThe path which the middle...
Option Explicit On is a recommended good practice with Visual Basic .Net. It helps you as the developer to produce cleaner, more stable, more bug-free, more maintainable code. In some cases it may also help you write programs with better performance too! with ref to https://support.microsoft.com/...
Pros of using Decorator: you can add new functionalities at runtime in different configurations good alternative for inheritance client can choose configuration he wants to use
Overview The C standard describes the language syntax, the functions provided by the standard library, and the behavior of conforming C processors (roughly speaking, compilers) and conforming C programs. With respect to behavior, the standard for the most part specifies particular behaviors fo...
UISplitViewController is a container class like UITabViewController, UINavigationController. It separates the main view into two View Controllers masterViewController(PrimaryViewController) and detailViewController(SecondaryViewController). we can send an array with two view controllers and Apple...
In iOS 8 and later, you can use the UISplitViewController class on all iOS devices, in previous versions of iOS, the class is available only on iPad. UISplitViewController is a container class like UITabViewController, UINavigationController. It separates the main view into two UIViewControll...
The Actions class gives us a way of emulating precisely how a user would interact with a web page/elements. Using an instance of this class you can describe a series of actions, such as clicking, double-clicking, dragging, pressing keys, etc. Once these actions are described, in order to carry the ...
This section provides an overview of what plesk is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within plesk, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for plesk is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics. ...

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