Tutorial by Topics: rs

An error 1009 is a general error that arises when you are trying to receive a value out of a variable or property that has a value of null. The examples provided expose various cases where this error arises, together with some recommendations on how to mitigate the error. The dreaded and often ask...
Assuming a class named Class... type *ptr = &Class::member; // Point to static members only type Class::*ptr = &Class::member; // Point to non-static Class members For pointers to non-static class members, given the following two definitions: Class instance; Class *...
reader = new FileReader(); Property/MethodDescriptionerrorA error that occurred while reading the file.readyStateContains the current state of the FileReader.resultContains the file contents.onabortTriggered when the operation is aborted.onerrorTriggered when an error is encountered.onloadT...
Y = fft(X) %computes the FFT of Vector or Matrix X using a default Transform Length of 256 (to be confirmed for version) Y = fft(X,n) %computes the FFT of X using n as Transform Length, n must be a 2-power based number. If the length of X is less than n, then Matlab will automatically pad X...
Regex should be used for other uses besides getting strings out of strings or otherwise cutting strings into pieces.
random(max) //Returns a (long) pseudo-random number between 0 (inclusive) and max (exclusive) random(min, max) //Returns a (long) pseudo-random number between min (inclusive) and max (exclusive) randomSeed(seed) //Initializes de pseudo-random number generator, causing it to start at a ...
HTML helpers are methods used to render HTML elements in a view. They are part of the System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper namespace. There are different types of HTML helpers: Standard HTML Helpers: They are used to render normal HTML elements, e.g. Html.TextBox(). Strongly Typed HTML Helpers: These helper...
This document describes the basic behaviour of an operator.
When you support universal links, iOS 9 users can tap a link to your website and get seamlessly redirected to your installed app without going through Safari. If your app isn’t installed, tapping a link to your website opens your website in Safari. Generally, any supported link clicked in Safa...
In case running cordova run android fails. Make sure that your Android device is connected to your computer and run adb devices to make sure the Android Development Tools (ADT) can detect your device.

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