Tutorial by Topics: str

This section provides an overview of what java-stream is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within java-stream, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for java-stream is new, you may need to create initial versions of those ...
This documentation will help anyone who is looking for all the Conrtraints on a column of a table. The query can be modified to find the table/columns based on the constraint name.
Design patterns are general solutions to problems that frequently occur in software development. The following are templates of standardized best practices in structuring and designing code, as well as examples of common contexts in which these design patterns would be appropriate. Structural desig...
Redis provides a string datatype that is used to associate data with a particular key. Redis string are the most basic datatype available in Redis and one of the first datatypes that users learn to work with. Strings are often associated with text data, but Redis strings are more like buffers that ...
FILESTREAM integrates the SQL Server Database Engine with an NTFS file system by storing varbinary(max) binary large object (BLOB) data as files on the file system. Transact-SQL statements can insert, update, query, search, and back up FILESTREAM data. Win32 file system interfaces provide streaming ...
Xcode includes a performance tuning application named Instruments that you can use to profile your application using all sorts of different metrics. They have tools to inspect CPU usage, memory usage, leaks, file/network activity, and energy usage, just to name a few. It’s really easy to start profi...
A string is in effect a read-only slice of bytes. In Go a string literal will always contain a valid UTF-8 representation of its content. variableName := "Hello World" // declare a string variableName := `Hello World` // declare a raw literal string variableName := "Hello &quo...
To get length of "character varying", "text" fields, Use char_length() or character_length().
Structural design patterns are patterns that describe how objects and classes can be combined and form a large structure and that ease design by identifying a simple way to realize relationships between entities. There are seven structural patterns described. They are as follows: Adapter, Bridge, Co...
Working with threads might need some synchronization techniques if the threads interact. In this topic, you can find the different structures which are provided by the standard library to solve these issues.
There are benefits for either. Extending ExternalResource it's convenient, especially if we only require a before() to set something up. However, we should be aware that, since the before() method is executed outside of the try...finally, any code that is required to do clean up in after() won't...
This page contains information related to default Drupal 7 installation folder strucutre and related information. includes - This folder contains include files shipped with Drupal 7. These inc files are majorly the Drupal 7 APIs. For example - batch.inc, cache.inc, ajax.inc etc. This folde...
In respect of ionic2 the constructor: in simple terms we use it to create instance of our plugins, services etc. for example: You have a page(view) where you want to show the list of all students, and you have a json file that contains all the students (this file is your data file) what you have to ...
The structure of nodejs project is influenced by the personal preferences, project's architecture and module injection strategy being used.Also on event based arc' which uses dynamic module instantiation mechanism. To have a MVC structure it is imperative to separate out the server side and client ...
A model widely used in traditional statistics is the linear regression model. In this article, the objective is to follow the step-by-step implementation of this type of models. We are going to represent a simple linear regression structure. For our study, we will analyze the age of the children on...
Two string with same set of character is called anagram. I have used javascript here. We will create an hash of str1 and increase count +1. We will loop on 2nd string and check all characters are there in hash and decrease value of hash key. Check all value of hash key are zero will be anagram. ...

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