Tutorial by Topics: to

$( ".selector" ).button(); $( ".selector" ).button({ disabled: true }); $( ".selector" ).button({ icons: { primary: "ui-icon-gear", secondary: "ui-icon-triangle-1-s" } }); $( ".selector" ).button({ label: "custom label&quot...
Iterators are a powerful language feature in Rust, described by the Iterator trait. Iterators allow you to perform many operations on collection-like types, e.g. Vec<T>, and they are easily composable.
It [Data.Vector] has an emphasis on very high performance through loop fusion, whilst retaining a rich interface. The main data types are boxed and unboxed arrays, and arrays may be immutable (pure), or mutable. Arrays may hold Storable elements, suitable for passing to and from C, and you c...
Dear Team, I think that its good to mention about official Android documentation where toolbar control is explained in details: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/support/v7/widget/Toolbar.html There is also interested content about Android.Support.v7 library used in the sample: h...
Classes: .btn-default | .btn-primary | .btn-success | .btn-info | .btn-warning | .btn-danger |.btn-link; Sizes: .btn-lg | .btn-md | .btn-sm | .btn-xs; State: active | dissabled.
Pros of using Decorator: you can add new functionalities at runtime in different configurations good alternative for inheritance client can choose configuration he wants to use
Bluetooth is an industry standard for wireless data transmission between devices over short distances. It was first defined in the 1990s by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG), in IEEE 802.15.1. Both connectionless and connection oriented data transmission is possible, to one or more device...

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