Tutorial by Topics: to

Using custom UITextField, we can manipulate the behavior of text field!
Different methods and their arguments are used to achieve the wished behaviour of your telegram bot, which you created by now (hopefully). The basic structure of a query is (as mentioned in "Create a bot with the BotFather"): https://api.telegram.org/bot*BOTTOKEN*/*METHOD*?*ARGUMENT1*=*V...
This Documentation describe how to build a three node Mongo replica set using Docker Image and auto provisioned using Chef.
This documentation is meant as an enhancement over the original documentation and it will focus on the latest Bluetooth LE API introduced in Android 5.0 (API 21). Both Central and Peripheral roles will be covered as well as how to start scanning and advertising operations.
How to install and work with GitHub Desktop? GitHub Desktop is -as the name implies- an desktop environment for Windows and MacOS which includes the main features of Git like cloning, pushing, pulling (sync in GitHub Desktop), merging... The Desktop clients main purpose is to deliver an easier way...
You may have seen several websites that will show how to create an ISAPI extension project but none of them will demonstrate how to migrate the existing legacy ISAPI extension (VS2005) project to VS2015. I had faced similar issue while I was working on one of such requirement. This article demonstra...
Demystifying MVC, MVP, MVVM and VIPER or any other design patterns to choose the best approach to building an app
UIFeedbackGenerator and its subclasses offers a public interface to the Taptic Engine® found on iOS devices starting with iPhone 7. Haptics, branded Taptics, provide tactile feedback for on-screen events. While many system controls provide haptics out-of-the-box, developers can use UIFeedbackGenerat...
Export a Fuse.View from fusetools and use it inside an existing android project. Our goal is to export the entire hikr sample app and use it inside an Activity. Final work can be found @lucamtudor/hikr-fuse-view
This should mirror some of the official Linux kernel docs, and post links to the latest versions of said documents in tovalds/linux on GitHub.com. The idea is to encourage individuals to make use of the MAINTAINERS files, linux-kernel mailing list, git log, and scripts/get-maintainer, so that they a...
Find out how to encrypt and decrypt data with Go. Keep in mind that this is not a course about cryptography but rather how to achieve it with Go.
I've used various Stackoverflow examples and answers to come to this really simple example on how to manage "select all" checkbox coupled with an automatic check/uncheck if any of the group checkbox status changes. Constraint: The "select all" id must match the input names to cr...
CustomErrors are a legacy (backwards compatable) element, used by Visual Studio Development Server (aka. VSDS or Cassini). httpErrors are the new element which is only used by IIS7.
This is a small code (xml) snippet to highlight how to use the taglist-maven-plugin to generate customized reports (of TODO, FIXME work ...)
First and foremost: know what you're doing! Secondly, while you should avoid using eval, if its use makes for cleaner code, go ahead.
The documentation for the DateTime::UniversalTime states: "A 64-bit signed integer that represents a point in time as the number of 100-nanosecond intervals prior to or after midnight on January 1, 1601 (according to the Gregorian Calendar)." This is the same as the Win32 FILETIMEstruct ...
With the datatables plugin you can add export buttons to your table. You can export your table data to excel, pdf or copy it to the clipboard. This manual is intended for the bootstrap 4 framework.
An object is a special kind of class, which can be declared using object keyword. Objects are similar to Singletons (a design pattern) in java. It also functions as the static part of java. Beginners who are switching from java to kotlin can vastly use this feature, in place of static, or singletons...

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