Tutorial by Topics: v

<input [value]="value"> - Binds attribute value class member name. <div [attr.data-note]="note"> - Binds attribute data-note to variable note. <p green></p> - Custom directive The main source of information about Angular 2 directives...
This topic consists of a wide variety of useful tips and tricks discovered by SO users through their experience in coding. These are often examples of ways to circumvent common frustrations or ways of using Excel in a more "clever" way.
eval(expression[, globals=None[, locals=None]]) exec(object) exec(object, globals) exec(object, globals, locals) ArgumentDetailsexpressionThe expression code as a string, or a code objectobjectThe statement code as a string, or a code objectglobalsThe dictionary to use for global variable...
This section provides an overview of what java-ee is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within java-ee, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for java-ee is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topic...
Model–view–controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern in software design, not a design pattern, which describes a way to structure our application and the responsibilities and interactions for each part in that structure. [1] Historically, MVC was first described in 1979 by Trygve Reenskaug as ...
This section demonstrates a variety of ways to interact with PowerPoint through VBA. From showing data on slides to creating charts, PowerPoint is a very powerful tool when used in conjunction with Excel. Thus, this section seeks to demonstrate the various ways VBA can be used to automate this i...
This topic outlines some basic naming conventions used when writing in the C# language. Like all conventions, they are not enforced by the compiler, but will ensure readability between developers. For comprehensive .NET framework design guidelines, see docs.microsoft.com/dotnet/standard/design-guid...

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