Example of calling an extension method as an extension and as a regular method.
public Class MyClass
Sub Main()
'Extension called directly on the object.
Dim Version = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly.GetVersionFromAssembly()
'Called as a regular method.
Dim Ver = GetVersionFromAssembly(SomeOtherAssembly)
End Sub
End Class
The Extension Method in a Module. Make the Module Public if extensions are compiled to a dll and will be referenced in another assembly.
Public Module Extensions
''' <summary>
''' Returns the version number from the specified assembly using the assembly's strong name.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="Assy">[Assembly] Assembly to get the version info from.</param>
''' <returns>[String]</returns>
Friend Function GetVersionFromAssembly(ByVal Assy As Assembly) As String
Return Split(Split(Assy.FullName,",")(1),"=")(1)
End Function
End Module