To draw text onto the form use the DrawString
When you draw a string you can use any of the 4 brushes listed above
Dim lBrush As New LinearGradientBrush(point1, point2, Color.MediumVioletRed, Color.PaleGreen)
e.Graphics.DrawString("HELLO", New Font("Impact", 60, FontStyle.Bold), lBrush, New Point(40, 400))
'this will draw the word "Hello" at the given point, with a linearGradient Brush
Since you can't define the width or height of the text use Measure Text
to check text size
Dim lBrush As New LinearGradientBrush(point1, point2, Color.MediumVioletRed, Color.PaleGreen)
Dim TextSize = e.Graphics.MeasureString("HELLO", New Font("Impact", 60, FontStyle.Bold), lBrush)
'Use the TextSize to determine where to place the string, or if the font needs to be smaller
Ex: You need to draw the word "Test" on top of the form. The form's width is 120. Use this loop to decrease the font size till it will fit into the forms width
Dim FontSize as Integer = 80
Dim TextSize ="Test", New Font("Impact",FontSize, FontStyle.Bold), new Brush(colors.Blue, 10)
Do while TextSize.Width >120
FontSize = FontSize -1
TextSize ="Test", New Font("Impact",FontSize, FontStyle.Bold), new Brush(colors.Blue, 10)