Pass a method into a directive. It provides a way to execute an expression in the context of the parent scope. Method will be executed in the scope of the parent, you may pass some parameters from the child scope there. You should not use {{...}} for interpolation. When you use & in a directive, it generates a function that returns the value of the expression evaluated against the parent scope (not the same as = where you just pass a reference).
<expression-binding interpolated-function-value="incrementInterpolated(param)" <!-- interpolatedFunctionValue({param: 'Hey'}) will call passed function with an argument. -->
function-item="incrementInterpolated" <!-- functionItem({param: 'Hey'})() will call passed function, but with no possibility set up a parameter. -->
text="'Simple text.'" <!-- text() == 'Simple text.'-->
simple-value="123" <!-- simpleValue() == 123 -->
interpolated-value="parentScopeValue" <!-- interpolatedValue() == Some value from parent scope. -->
object-item="objectItem"> <!-- objectItem() == Object item from parent scope. -->
All parameters will be wrapped into functions.