Tutorial by Examples

Layout XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <layout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"> <data> </data> <LinearLayout android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_wid...
Standards Accessibility/Laws - GNOME Wiki! Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Standards and Guidelines: Section 508 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Standards and Guidelines: Section 508 Refresh Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) 1.0 (W3C R...
using OpenQA.Selenium; using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome; using OpenQA.Selenium.Firefox; using OpenQA.Selenium.IE; /// <summary> /// Factory for creating WebDriver for various browsers. /// </summary> public static class WebDriverFactory { /// <summary> /// Initili...
JNI means Java Native Interface. It is a mechanism how to call a native code from Java application running under JVM control and vice versa. Native code means code compiled for the target platform. Native code code is typically written in C or C++ but it may be written in any language that has compi...
MSDN-GetObject Function Returns a reference to an object provided by an ActiveX component. Use the GetObject function when there is a current instance of the object or if you want to create the object with a file already loaded. If there is no current instance, and you don't want the object ...
@Override public void onEnable() { String version = Bukkit.getBukkitVersion(); //The string version of this bukkit server }
The following code implements a simple YoutubePlayerFragment. The activity's layout is locked in portrait mode and when orientation changes or the user clicks full screen at the YoutubePlayer it turns to lansscape with the YoutubePlayer filling the screen. The YoutubePlayerFragment does not need to...
When using an inline data declaration inside of a SELECT...ENDSELECT block or SELECT SINGLE statement, the @ character must be used as an escape character for the DATA(lv_cityto) expression. Once the escape character has been used, all further host variables must also be escaped (as is the case with...
To reverse a list, it isn't important what type the list elements are, only what order they're in. This is a perfect candidate for a generic function, so the same reverseal function can be used no matter what list is passed. let rev list = let rec loop acc = function | [] -...
let map f list = let rec loop acc = function | [] -> List.rev acc | head :: tail -> loop (f head :: acc) tail loop [] list The signature of this function is ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list, which is the most generic it can be. This does not p...
Google Cloud Project Google Cloud Datastore is a NoSQL Database as a Service (DBaaS) that provides developers with a scalable replicated database that is fully managed by Google. For its initial setup you need to either have an existing Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project, or create a new one. Clo...
The Dictionary allows getting a unique set of values very simply. Consider the following function: Function Unique(values As Variant) As Variant() 'Put all the values as keys into a dictionary Dim dict As New Scripting.Dictionary Dim val As Variant For Each val In values ...
<?php set_query_var( 'passed_var', $my_var ); get_template_part( 'foo', 'bar' ); ?> Access it in foo-bar.php <?php echo $passed_var; ?>
You can access the real data type of interface with Type Assertion. interfaceVariable.(DataType) Example of struct MyType which implement interface Subber: package main import ( "fmt" ) type Subber interface { Sub(a, b int) int } type MyType struct { Msg stri...
To run macros and maintain the security Office applications provide against malicious code, it is necessary to digitally sign the VBAProject.OTM from the VBA editor > Tools > Digital Signature. Office comes with a utility to create a self-signed digital certificate that you can employ on th...
HTML: <div class="wrapper"> <img src="http://cdn.sstatic.net/Sites/stackoverflow/company/img/logos/so/so-icon.png?v=c78bd457575a"> </div> CSS: .wrapper{ position:relative; height: 600px; } .wrapper img { position: absolute; top: 0; le...
Let's say we have a text file and we want to read all words in that file, in order to do some requirements. file.txt: This is just a test file to be used by fscanf() This is the main function: #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> void printAllWords(FILE *); int main(void...
Filetype plugins for foo filetype are sourced in that order: 1. $HOME/.vim/ftplugin/foo.vim. Be careful with what you put in that file as it may be overridden by $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/foo.vim -- under windows, it'll be instead $HOME/vimfiles/ftplugin/foo.vim 2. $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/foo.vim. Like ev...
TypeScript Angular 2 Component import {Component, OnInit, ViewChild, Renderer} from '@angular/core'; import {SuiTransition} from "ng2-semantic-ui/components/transition/transition"; @Component({ selector: 'app-home', templateUrl: './home.component.html', styleUrls: ['./home.co...
Having culture-specific URLs can be beneficial in terms of SEO. E.g. English version of the following page: http://www.mydomain.com/insurance Would translate into: http://www.mydomain.nl/verzekering Instead of: http://www.mydomain.nl/nl-nl/insurance There are more approaches of achievin...

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