Tutorial by Examples

For anything below 1.9 SpawnEgg egg = new SpawnEgg(EntityType.CREEPER); ItemStack creeperEgg = egg.toItemStack(5); For 1.9 and above In versions 1.9 and higher, Spigot does not have an implementation for creating spawn eggs without using NMS. To accomplish this, you can use a small custom cl...
class Functor f where fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b One way of looking at it is that fmap lifts a function of values into a function of values in a context f. A correct instance of Functor should satisfy the functor laws, though these are not enforced by the compiler: fmap id = i...
The Data.Functor module contains two combinators, <$ and $>, which ignore all of the values contained in a functor, replacing them all with a single constant value. infixl 4 <$, $> <$ :: Functor f => a -> f b -> f a (<$) = fmap . const $> :: Functor f => f a ...
If you installed Node using the default directory, while in the global mode, NPM installs packages into /usr/local/lib/node_modules. If you type the following in the shell, NPM will search for, download, and install the latest version of the package named sax inside the directory /usr/local/lib/node...
When we refer the module in the code, node first looks up the node_module folder inside the referenced folder in required statement If the module name is not relative and is not a core module, Node will try to find it inside the node_modules folder in the current directory. For instance, if you do...
Steps to create "Hello, World!" application in Oracle Application Express: Log in to your workspace. Click Application Builder. Application Builder page opens. Click Create. Page with 4 application types appears. Page contains short help text about each application type. Click Deskto...
You can request free Oracle Application Express workspace on official site: apex.oracle.com.
Detailed instructions on getting travis-ci set up or installed.
Introduction System Workbench for STM32 is a free IDE on Windows, Linux and OS X. Description from ST Microelectronics: The System Workbench toolchain, called SW4STM32, is a free multi-OS software development environment based on Eclipse, which supports the full range of STM32 microcontrollers...
Introduction IAR Integrated development environment and optimizing C/C++ compiler for ARM Cortex-M. Description from ST Microelectronics: The IAR-EWARM is a software development suite delivered with ready-made device configuration files, flash loaders and 4300 example projects included. IAR E...
Introduction C/C++ IDE for ARM development. Atollic TrueSTUDIO® is tested and verified on the following Operating Systems: Microsoft® Windows ®Vista (32-bit version) Microsoft® Windows® Vista (64-bit version) Microsoft® Windows® 7 (32-bit version) Microsoft® Windows® 7 (64-bit version) Micr...
Introduction CooCox CoIDE, a free and highly-integrated software development environment for ARM Cortex MCUs. Description from ST Microelectronics: CoIDE is a free software development environment based on Eclipse and GCC tool chain, which has been customized and simplified to give users an ea...
Some of the queryFor* methods available in JdbcTemplate are useful for simple sql statements that perform CRUD operations. Querying for Date String sql = "SELECT create_date FROM customer WHERE customer_id = ?"; int storeId = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, java.util.Date.class, custom...
int storeId = 1; DataSource dataSource = ... // JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); String sql = "SELECT * FROM customer WHERE store_id = ?"; List<Map<String, Object>> mapList = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql, storeId); for(Map<String, Object> ...
DataSource dataSource = ... // JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); String sql = "SELECT * FROM customer"; SqlRowSet rowSet = jdbcTemplate.queryForRowSet(sql); while(rowSet.next()) { String firstName = rowSet.getString("first_name"); String lastN...
This is a simple RMI example with five Java classes and two packages, server and client. Server Package PersonListInterface.java public interface PersonListInterface extends Remote { /** * This interface is used by both client and server * @return List of Persons * @throws...
Lists as arguments are just another variable: def func(myList): for item in myList: print(item) and can be passed in the function call itself: func([1,2,3,5,7]) 1 2 3 5 7 Or as a variable: aList = ['a','b','c','d'] func(aList) a b c d
/in {72 mul} def /delta {1 in 10 div} def /X 612 def /Y 792 def 0 delta Y { 0 1 index X exch % i 0 X i moveto exch % 0 i lineto stroke } for 0 delta X { 0 1 index Y % i 0 i Y moveto % i 0 lineto stroke } for showpage
Tkinter has three mechanisms for geometry management: place, pack, and grid. The place manager uses absolute pixel coordinates. The pack manager places widgets into one of 4 sides. New widgets are placed next to existing widgets. The grid manager places widgets into a grid similar to a dynamicall...
In addition to libraries defined in EcmaScript language specification and EcmaScript internationalization API specification, d8 also implements the following functions and objects. print(args...): function. Print to stdout. printErr(args...): function. Print to stderr. write(args...): function....

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