Tutorial by Examples

Haskell Wiki has an example of a non-parametric parameter of a type function: type family Inspect x type instance Inspect Age = Int type instance Inspect Int = Bool Here x is non-parametric because to determine the outcome of applying Inspect to a type argument, the type function must insp...
An example of a parametric parameter of a type function: data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a) type family DoNotInspect x type instance DoNotInspect x = List x Here x is parametric because to determine the outcome of applying DoNotInspect to a type argument, the type function do not need to in...
A phantom type parameter has a phantom role. Phantom roles cannot be declared explicitly.
The example I'm going to discuss assumes you have a Docker installation that works in your system and a basic understanding of how to work with Node.js . If you are aware of how you must work with Docker , it should be evident that Node.js framework need not be installed on your system, rather we wo...
StrictMode.setThreadPolicy(new StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder() .detectDiskWrites() .penaltyLog() //Logs a message to LogCat .build())
StrictMode.setVmPolicy(new StrictMode.VmPolicy.Builder() .detectActivityLeaks() .detectLeakedClosableObjects() .penaltyLog() .build());
Our demo app consists of a scoreboard. The score model is an immutable record. The scoreboard events are contained in a Union Type. namespace Score.Model type Score = { ScoreA: int ; ScoreB: int } type ScoringEvent = IncA | DecA | IncB | DecB | NewGame Changes are propagated by listening...
The core types in the Gjallarhorn library implement IObservable<'a>, which will make the implementation look familiar (remember the EventStream property from the FSharp.ViewModule example). The only real change to our model is the order of the arguments of the update function. Also, we now use...
SET @searchTerm= 'Database Programming'; SELECT MATCH (Title) AGAINST (@searchTerm IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE) Score, ISBN, Author, Title FROM book WHERE MATCH (Title) AGAINST (@searchTerm IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE) ORDER BY MATCH (Title) AGAINST (@searchTerm IN NATURAL LANGUA...
SET @searchTerm= 'Database Programming -Java'; SELECT MATCH (Title) AGAINST (@searchTerm IN BOOLEAN MODE) Score, ISBN, Author, Title FROM book WHERE MATCH (Title) AGAINST (@searchTerm IN BOOLEAN MODE) ORDER BY MATCH (Title) AGAINST (@searchTerm IN BOOLEAN MODE) DESC; Giv...
SET @searchTerm= 'Date Database Programming'; SELECT MATCH (Title, Author) AGAINST (@searchTerm IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE) Score, ISBN, Author, Title FROM book WHERE MATCH (Title, Author) AGAINST (@searchTerm IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE) ORDER BY MATCH (Title, Author) AGAINST (...
Detailed instructions on getting apache-spark-sql set up or installed.
With pip: pip install pygame With conda: conda install -c tlatorre pygame=1.9.2 Direct download from website : http://www.pygame.org/download.shtml You can find the suitable installers fro windows and other operating systems. Projects can also be found at http://www.pygame.org/
The typical usage is with CSV-type files, where each line consists of fields separated by a delimiter, specified by the option -d. The default delimiter is the TAB character. Suppose you have a data file data.txt with lines like 0 0 755 1482941948.8024 102 33 4755 1240562224.3205 1003 1 644 12199...
You cannot have more than one delimiter: if you specify something like -d ",;:", some implementations will use only the first character as a delimiter (in this case, the comma.) Other implementations (e.g. GNU cut) will give you an error message. $ cut -d ",;:" -f2 <<<&...
$ cut -d, -f1,3 <<<"a,,b,c,d,e" a,b is rather obvious, but with space-delimited strings it might be less obvious to some $ cut -d ' ' -f1,3 <<<"a b c d e" a b cut cannot be used to parse arguments as the shell and other programs do.
There is no way to protect the delimiter. Spreadsheets and similar CSV-handling software usually can recognize a text-quoting character which makes it possible to define strings containing a delimiter. With cut you cannot. $ cut -d, -f3 <<<'John,Smith,"1, Main Street"' "1 ...
You can only extract portions of lines, not reorder or repeat fields. $ cut -d, -f2,1 <<<'John,Smith,USA' ## Just like -f1,2 John,Smith $ cut -d, -f2,2 <<<'John,Smith,USA' ## Just like -f2 Smith
The EntityDamage event is thrown when an Entity is damaged. EntityDamageEvent @EventHandler public void onEntityDamage(EntityDamageEvent e) { DamageCause cause = e.getCause(); //Get the event DamageCause double rawDamage = e.getDamage(); //Returns the damage before any calculation...
One of the main advantage of std::array as compared to C style array is that we can check the size of the array using size() member function int main() { std::array<int, 3> arr = { 1, 2, 3 }; cout << arr.size() << endl; }

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