Tutorial by Examples

Detailed instructions on getting point-cloud-library set up or installed.
Sometimes you may want to have some login to determine where the user gets redirected to after submitting a form. Form Requests give a variety of ways. By default there are 3 variables declared in the Request $redirect, $redirectRoute and $redirectAction. On top of those 3 variables you can overr...
There is a necessary hardware dependency for a VR application, that usually depends on the platform that you're building for. There are 2 broad categories for hardware devices based on their motion capabilities: 3 DOF (Degrees of Freedom) 6 DOF (Degrees of Freedom) 3 DOF means that the motion...
The minimum required files and folders for the phonegap-build project are: ─ www ├─ res │ ├─ icon │ │ ├─ android │ │ ├─ ios │ │ ├─ windows-phone │ │ &...
When you're ready to upload your project to the phonegap-build service, zip the content of the www folder and upload the zip file to the phonegap-build service. It is recommended to only zip the content of the www folder, and not the www folder itself. However, this is just a recommendation and zip...
So, well, how on earth do you create a <md-button>, you may ask? All you have to do is to enter a <md-button>, along with your text for the button in it. index.html: <div ng-app="MdButtonApp"> <md-content ng-controller="Controller"> <h2...
I hope this example will help everyone to understand how awk internal variables like NR, FNR etc change when awk is processing two files. awk '{print "NR:",NR,"FNR:",FNR,"fname:",FILENAME,"Field1:",$1}' file1 file2 NR: 1 FNR: 1 fname: file1 Field1: f1d1 NR:...
Block will capture variables that appeared in the same lexical scope. Normally these variables are captured as "const" value: int val = 10; void (^blk)(void) = ^{ val = 20; // Error! val is a constant value and cannot be modified! }; In order to modify the variable, you need to ...
In the case of a discriminated record type, some of the components are known as discriminants and the remaining components can depend upon these. The discriminants can be thought of as parameterizing the type and the syntax reveals this analogy. In this example we create a type that provide a sq...
Each FluentWait instance defines the maximum amount of time to wait for a condition, as well as the frequency with which to check the condition. Furthermore, the user may configure the wait to ignore specific types of exceptions whilst waiting, such as NoSuchElementExceptions when searching for an e...
Following is the example of QLabel that displays use of texts,images and hyperlinks. import sys from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtGui import * def window(): app = QApplication(sys.argv) win = QWidget() l1 = QLabel() l2 = QLabel() l3 = QLabel() l4 = QLabel()...
import sys from PyQt4 import QtGui def window(): app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) w = QtGui.QWidget() b = QtGui.QLabel(w) b.setText("<h1>Welcome to PyQt4 SO Documentation!</h1>") w.setGeometry(100,100,550,65) b.move(50,20) w.setWindowTitle(&quo...
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests main_url = "https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hello_world" req = requests.get(main_url) soup = BeautifulSoup(req.text, "html.parser") # Finding the main title tag. title = soup.find("h1", class_ = "firstHeading&qu...
import time def timer(func): def inner(*args, **kwargs): t1 = time.time() f = func(*args, **kwargs) t2 = time.time() print 'Runtime took {0} seconds'.format(t2-t1) return f return inner @timer def example_function(): #do stuff exa...
Vertical Index Match =INDEX(A1:A3,MATCH(E2,C1:C3,0))
Horizontal Index Match =INDEX(A1:C1,MATCH(E2,A3:C3,0))
Hiding Softkeyboard is a basic requirement usually when working with EditText. The softkeyboard by default can only be closed by pressing back button and so most developers use InputMethodManager to force Android to hide the virtual keyboard calling hideSoftInputFromWindow and passing in the token o...
Ext.define('App.Duck', { extend: 'Ext.Component', alias: 'widget.duck', initComponent: function () { this.callParent(arguments); this._quack(); }, _quack: function () { console.log('The duck says "Quack!"'); this.fireEvent('quack...
// gets the Class objects from the net.mminecraft.server package with the given name public Class<?> getNmsClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException { // explode the Server interface implementation's package name into its components String[] packageArray = Bukkit.getServer()....
Touch events related to a Button can be checked as follows: public class ExampleClass extends Activity implements View.OnClickListener, View.OnLongClickListener{ public Button onLong, onClick; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle sis){ super.onCreate(sis); setCon...

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