Tutorial by Examples: and

Conditional predicate will be cleaner and safer by using the NSCompoundPredicate class which provides basic boolean operators for the given predicates. Objective-c AND - Condition NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"samplePredicate"]; NSPredicate *anotherPre...
A command-line launcher is a handle tool which allows one to open WebStorm using the command-line. It can easily be created by using the menus Tools > Create Command-line Launcher... After selecting the option, you will be presented with the "Create Launcher Script" prompt for a l...
Prerequiste steps: Get dotnet core for your platform: Dotnet Core Follow instructions and make sure dotnet core is working Get Visual Studio Code for your platform: VS Code Launch Visual Studio Code (VS code) and install the C# extension then reload Create self hosted NancyFx project: ...
The following statement if (conditionA && conditionB && conditionC) //... is exactly equivalent to bool conditions = conditionA && conditionB && conditionC; if (conditions) // ... in other words, the conditions inside the "if" statement just form an...
bcadd vs float+float var_dump('10' + '-9.99'); // float(0.0099999999999998) var_dump(10 + -9.99); // float(0.0099999999999998) var_dump(10.00 + -9.99); // float(0.0099999999999998) var_dump(bcadd('10', '-9.99', 20)); // string(22) "0.01000000000000000000&q...
Consider the following test: it('should test something', function() { browser.get('/dashboard/'); $("#myid").click(); expect(element(by.model('username')).getText()).toEqual('Test'); console.log("HERE"); }); In the following test, when the console.log() is ex...
Data in R are stored in vectors. A typical vector is a sequence of values all having the same storage mode (e.g., characters vectors, numeric vectors). See ?atomic for details on the atomic implicit classes and their corresponding storage modes: "logical", "integer", "numeri...
Install Atom. You can get atom from here Go to Atom settings (ctrl+,). Packages -> Install go-plus package (go-plus) After Installing go-plus in Atom: Get these dependencies using go get or another dependency manager: (open a console and run these commands) go get -u golang.org/x/...
You can pass parameters to the functions in tf.cond() using lambda and the code is as bellow. x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) z = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) def fn1(a, b): return tf.mul(a, b) def fn2(a, b): return tf.add(a, b) pred = tf.placeholder(tf....
Enumerating through Keys foreach ($key in $var1.Keys) { $value = $var1[$key] # or $value = $var1.$key } Enumerating through Key-Value Pairs foreach ($keyvaluepair in $var1.GetEnumerator()) { $key1 = $_.Key1 $val1 = $_.Val1 }
Data types to string formatting Data types like int, float, double, long, boolean can be formatted to string using String.valueOf(). String.valueOf(1); //Output -> "1" String.valueOf(1.0); //Output -> "1.0" String.valueOf(1.2345); //Output -> "1.2345" Stri...
Flask also allows access to a CombinedMultiDict that gives access to both the request.form and request.args attributes under one variable. This example pulls data from a form field name submitted along with the echo field in the query string. Flask Example: from flask import Flask, request app...
.profile is read by most shells on startup, including bash. However, .bash_profile is used for configurations specific to bash. For general initialization code, put it in .profile. If it's specific to bash, use .bash_profile. .profile isn't actually designed for bash specifically, .bash_profile is...
$username = "[email protected]" $pwdTxt = Get-Content "C:\temp\Stored_Password.txt" $securePwd = $pwdTxt | ConvertTo-SecureString $credObject = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $username, $securePwd # Now, $credObject is having the credential...
To install tslint run command npm install -g tslint Tslint is configured via file tslint.json. To initialize default configuration run command tslint --init To check file for possible errors in file run command tslint filename.ts
In order to build a good classifier we will often need to get an idea of how the data is structered in feature space. Weka offers a visualisation module that can help. Some dimensions already seperate the classes quite well. Petal-width orders the concept quite neatly, when compared to petal-widt...
Terminal Commands: rails g model Product name:string quantity:integer price:decimal{12,2} rake db:migrate Lates create controller. Terminal Commands: rails g controller Products Controller Code: class HistoriesController < ApplicationController def create file = Dir.glob(...
When dealing with large configuration sets of value, it might become quite unhandy to load them one buy one. Option model which comes with asp.net offers a convenient way to map a section to a dotnet poco: For instance, one might hydrate StorageOptions directly from a configuration section b addin...
To use OpenGL ES in your application you must add this to the manifest: <uses-feature android:glEsVersion="0x00020000" android:required="true"/> Create your extended GLSurfaceView: import static android.opengl.GLES20.*; // To use all OpenGL ES 2.0 methods and constants...
In order to be able to directly deploy web project changes to an Web Server, the following steps must be followed. If target server has Internet access, the process is quite simple, as Microsoft has a Web Platform package to do almost everything that is needed. Cleanup Make sure that C:\Progra...

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