Tutorial by Examples: al

One of the more annoying things that programmers can do is to scatter calls to printStackTrace() throughout their code. The problem is that the printStackTrace() is going to write the stacktrace to standard output. For an application that is intended for end-users who are not Java programmers,...
PostScript is a Turing-complete general programming language, designed and developed by Adobe Systems. Many of the ideas which blossomed in PostScript had been cultivated in projects for Xerox and Evans & Sutherland. Its main real-world application historically is as a page description language...
Bit-fields give an ability to declare structure fields that are smaller than the character width. Bit-fields are implemented with byte-level or word-level mask. The following example results in a structure of 8 bytes. struct C { short s; /* 2 bytes */ char c; /* 1 ...
What's the deal with the following? julia> @test 0.1 + 0.2 == 0.3 Test Failed Expression: 0.1 + 0.2 == 0.3 Evaluated: 0.30000000000000004 == 0.3 ERROR: There was an error during testing in record(::Base.Test.FallbackTestSet, ::Base.Test.Fail) at ./test.jl:397 in do_test(::Base.Test....
You can see list with all environment variables with: Get-Childitem env:
Node.js npm install bluebird Then: var Promise = require("bluebird"); Browsers There are many ways to use bluebird in browsers: Direct downloads Full build bluebird.js Full build minified bluebird.min.js Core build bluebird.core.js Core build minified bluebird.core.min.js...
Detailed instructions on getting jsf-2 set up or installed. Requirements: JDK 1.6+ Java Servlet 2.5 Installing jsf-2 on Tomcat Installing jsf-2 on Glassfish
To install Cucumber for use with Ruby simply use the command gem install cucumber Alternatively, if you are using bundler, you can add the following line to your Gemfile gem 'cucumber' And then run bundler bundle install [I think this belongs in its own topic, Installation. I created tha...
Consider these two pieces of code: int a = 1000; int b = a + 1; and Integer a = 1000; Integer b = a + 1; Question: Which version is more efficient? Answer: The two versions look almost the identical, but the first version is a lot more efficient than the second one. The second version is...
Tableau offers a 2 week free trial for all of their licensed products. Tableau also offers licenses to Students for free here and nearly free Desktop licenses for non-profit organizations here. To get started with a free trial, navigate to Tableau Products to see a list of their offerings which inc...
If the web page a contains phone number you can make a call using your phone's dialer. This code checks for the url which starts with tel: then make an intent to open dialer and you can make a call to the clicked phone number: public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) { ...
You can change property minuteInterval to set the interval displayed by the minutes wheel. The default value is 1, the maximum value is 30. let datePicker = UIDatePicker(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 320, height: 200) datePicker.minuteInterval = 15
Cassandra will not require users to login using the default configuration. Instead password-less, anonymous logins are permitted for anyone able to connect to the native_transport_port. This behaviour can be changed by editing the cassandra.yaml config to use a different authenticator: # Allow anon...
By default each user will be able to access all data in Cassandra. You'll have to configuring a different authorizer in your cassandra.yaml to grant individual object permissions to your users. # Grant all permissions to all users # authorizer: AllowAllAuthorizer # Use object permissions manage...
Detailed instructions on getting nopcommerce set up or installed.
context.globalAlpha=0.50 You can change the opacity of new drawings by setting the globalAlpha to a value between 0.00 (fully transparent) and 1.00 (fully opaque). The default globalAlpha is 1.00 (fully opaque). Existing drawings are not affected by globalAlpha. // draw an opaque rectangle co...
double area; double h = 1.0 / n; #pragma omp parallel for shared(n, h, area) for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { double x = h * (i - 0.5); #pragma omp critical { area += (4.0 / (1.0 + x*x)); } } double pi = h * area; In this example, each threads execute a subset of the iteratio...
Include using System.Numerics and add a reference to System.Numerics to the project. using System; using System.Numerics; namespace Euler_25 { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { BigInteger l1 = 1; BigInteger l2 = 1; ...
The following example code is slower than it needs to be : Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(); for (String key : map.keySet()) { String value = map.get(key); // Do something with key and value } That is because it requires a map lookup (the get() method) for each ...

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