Tutorial by Examples: c

Effects can be applied to audio by chaining nodes between the source and the destination node. In this example we use a gain node to mute the source, and only let sound through at specific times. This allows us to create morse code. function morse(gainNode, pattern) { let silenceTimeout = 300; ...
Assuming we want to modify bit n of an integer primitive, i (byte, short, char, int, or long): (i & 1 << n) != 0 // checks bit 'n' i |= 1 << n; // sets bit 'n' to 1 i &= ~(1 << n); // sets bit 'n' to 0 i ^= 1 << n; // toggles the value of bit 'n' Us...
You must be very careful when providing a forwarding reference overload as it may match too well: struct A { A() = default; // #1 A(A const& ) = default; // #2 template <class T> A(T&& ); // #3 }; The intent here was that A is c...
Pointers can also be used to point at functions. Let's take a basic function: int my_function(int a, int b) { return 2 * a + 3 * b; } Now, let's define a pointer of that function's type: int (*my_pointer)(int, int); To create one, just use this template: return_type_of_func (*my_fun...
In addition to the default set of directives shipped in core, Vue.js also allows you to register custom directives. Custom directives provide a mechanism for mapping data changes to arbitrary DOM behavior. You can register a global custom directive with the Vue.directive(id, definition) method, pas...
Creating and returning an image object by loading the image data from the file at the specified path. Example: UIImage *image = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:[cellCountry objectForKey:@"Country_Flag"] ofType:nil]]; Using Array: Example NSM...
Template <div id="example"> a={{ a }}, b={{ b }} </div> JavaScript var vm = new Vue({ el: '#example', data: { a: 1 }, computed: { // a computed getter b: function () { // `this` points to the vm instance return this.a + 1 }...
The general format for namespaces is: <Company>.(<Product>|<Technology>)[.<Feature>][.<Subnamespace>]. Examples include: Fabrikam.Math Litware.Security Prefixing namespace names with a company name prevents namespaces from different companies from having the sa...
The minimum required to use Webpack is the following command: webpack ./src/index.js ./dist/bundle.js // this is equivalent to: webpack source-file destination-file Web pack will take the source file, compile to the output destination and resolve any dependencies in the source files.
.htaccess can be used to force your HTTP site to redirect to HTTPS. Here's a quick way that doesn't require editing the code for your domain: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTPS} =off RewriteRule ^ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301] Warning: The code above assumes that you can tr...
Active patterns are just simple functions. Like functions you can define additional parameters: let (|HasExtension|_|) expected (uri : string) = let result = uri.EndsWith (expected, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) match result with | true -> Some true | _ -> N...
SP.SOD.executeOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(showDialog,"sp.js"); function showDialog(){ var options = SP.UI.$create_DialogOptions(); options.url = "/mySite/lists/myList/NewForm.aspx"; options.dialogReturnValueCallback = myCallBackFunction; SP.UI.ModalDialog.show...
Creating List Items SP.SOD.executeOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(createItem,"sp.js"); function createItem(){ var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext(); var list = clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle("List Title"); var newItem = list.addItem(); newIte...
SP.SOD.executeOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(showUserInfo,"sp.js"); function showUserInfo(){ var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext(); var user = clientContext.get_web().get_currentUser(); clientContext.load(user); clientContext.executeQueryAsync(function(){ ...
Basic Example Use the set_viewXml method of the SP.CamlQuery object to specify a CAML query to retrieve items. SP.SOD.executeOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(showListItems,"core.js"); function showListItems(){ var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext(); var list = clientContext.get_...
SP.SOD.executeOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(showDialog,"sp.js"); function showDialog(){ var dialogOptions = SP.UI.$create_DialogOptions(); dialogOptions.title = "Your Title Here!"; var dummyElement = document.createElement("div"); dummyElement.style.te...
The plotly package allows many kind of interactive plots, including maps. There are a few ways to create a map in plotly. Either supply the map data yourself (via plot_ly() or ggplotly()), use plotly's "native" mapping capabilities (via plot_geo() or plot_mapbox()), or even a combination o...
In order to obtain class-like behavior, type and related procedures (subroutine and functions) shall be placed in a module: Example: module MShape implicit none private type, public :: Shape private integer :: radius contains procedure :: set => sh...
C++11 std::string supports iterators, and so you can use a ranged based loop to iterate through each character: std::string str = "Hello World!"; for (auto c : str) std::cout << c; You can use a "traditional" for loop to loop through every character: std::stri...
var ws = new WebSocket('ws://host.com/path'); ws.onopen = () => { // connection opened ws.send('something'); // send a message }; ws.onmessage = (e) => { // a message was received console.log(e.data); }; ws.onerror = (e) => { // an error occurred console.log(e...

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