Tutorial by Examples: by

const { remote } = require("electron"); // <- The Node.js require() function is // added to JavaScript by electron function fullscreen(f) { // p = false or true const currentWindow = remote.getCurrentWindow(); currentWindow.maximize(); } ...
As of Ruby 2.4.0, you can start an interactive IRB session inside any Ruby script using these lines: require 'irb' binding.irb This will start an IBR REPL where you will have the expected value for self and you will be able to access all local variables and instance variables that are in scope....
First, Go to Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Console. Enter this Command "Install-Package Plugin.Facebook" in Package Manger Console. Now all the file is automatically created. Video : Login with Facebook in Xamarin Forms Other Authentication by using Pl...
Array Implementation #include<stdio.h> #define MAX 100000 //Global variables int top = -1; int a[MAX]; void push(int x){ if(top == MAX-1){ // Check whether stack is full printf("Stack Overflow\n"); retur...
Queue follow FIFO as it is mentioned in the introduction. Five major operations: Enqueue(x): pushes x to the back of the queue. Dequeue(): pops an element from the front of the queue. isEmpty(): Finds whether the queue is empty or not. isFull(): Finds whether the queue is full or not. frontV...
Usually, an HTML form element submitted to PHP results in a single value. For example: <pre> <?php print_r($_POST);?> </pre> <form method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="foo" value="bar"/> <button type="su...
Here, a cursor is used to loop through all databases. Futhermore, a cursor from dynamic sql is used to query each database returned by the first cursor. This is to demonstrate the connection-scope of a cursor. DECLARE @db_name nvarchar(255) DECLARE @sql nvarchar(MAX) DECLARE @schema nvarcha...
This will take about 30 minutes. We will be setting Ruby on Rails Development Environment on Ubuntu 16.10 Yakkety Yak. Open up your terminal using Ctrl + Alt + T. Installing Ruby The First step is to install Dependencies For Ruby. sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install git-core curl zlib1g-...
app.component.html <div> <div> <div *ngFor="let user of users"> <button class="btn" [@buttonState]="user.active" (click)="user.changeButtonState()">{{user.firstName}}</button> <...
When you manually write your performance scripts, you need to deal with correlation yourself. But there is another option to create your scripts - automation scripts recording. On the one hand, the manual approach helps your write structured scripts and you can add all the required extractors at the...
This iteration changes a value from a starting point to an end, optionally by a specified value for each step. The default change is 1. DEFINE VARIABLE i AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. DO i = 10 TO 15: DISPLAY i WITH FRAME x1 6 DOWN . DOWN WITH FRAME x1. END. Result: ---------------i ...
Import ReactiveFormsModule, and then import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core'; import { FormControl } from '@angular/forms'; import { Subscription } from 'rxjs'; @Component({ selector: 'component', template: ` <input [formControl]="control" /> ...
In this example we are creating a new xs:complexType (EmployeeType) based on an existing xs:complexType (PersonType). The construction of this is slightly more complicated. Because the base xs:complexType (PersonType) is considered to be complex (more about this below) we add the <xs:complexCon...
This is where things get a little tricky. We are now restricting an existing xs:complexType. Our SolidStateDriveType derives from HardDiskType but removes the spinUpTime attribute and the RotationSpeed element. Notice the approach for dealing with attributes and elements is different. To remove an ...
In OpenCV, images can be RGB/BGR, HSV, grayscaled, black-white and so on. It is crucial to know the data type before dealing with images. The image data types are mainly CV_8UC3 (Matrix of uchar with 3 channels) and CV_8U (Matrix of uchar with 1 channel), however, the conversion to other types such...
I use Spring Boot 1.4.4.RELEASE , with MySQL as the Database and Spring Data JPA abstraction to work with MySQL. Indeed ,it is the Spring Data JPA module that makes it so easy to set up Pagination in a Spring boot app in the first place. Scenario expose an endpoint /students/classroom/{id} . It wi...
Let's say we want to move a given date a numof months. We can define the following function, that uses the mondate package: moveNumOfMonths <- function(date, num) { as.Date(mondate(date) + num) } It moves consistently the month part of the date and adjusting the day, in case the date re...
package main import ( "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api" unver "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/unversioned" "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/extensions" "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient" client "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned&...
Passing by value When a value is passed ByVal, the procedure receives a copy of the value. Public Sub Test() Dim foo As Long foo = 42 DoSomething foo Debug.Print foo End Sub Private Sub DoSomething(ByVal foo As Long) foo = foo * 2 End Sub Calling the above Test...

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