Tutorial by Examples: al

Underscore is an open source functional programming utility library for JavaScript. Underscore provides many useful functions for working with arrays or collections of JavaScript objects, including filtering, sorting and querying. Node.js Make sure you have node and npm installed then type the fol...
If you are tired of using long commands in bash you can create your own command alias. The best way to do this is to modify (or create if it does not exist) a file called .bash_aliases in your home folder. The general syntax is: alias command_alias='actual_command' where actual_command is the c...
Preconditions These instructions suppose you have any type of Linux, Unix, Mac with bash or Git-bash Windows. Windows: Download and install Git-bash for Windows, then execute 'bash' from command line. Other shells than bash are fine too, just replace the activate command below with activate.csh...
Log in to the AWS Management Console and navigate to AWS Lambda. Click create new function then you will see this window. Select Runtime environment but blueprint (sample code) only for node.js and python There are two example conation for alexa skills kit. You can filter those thing. By s...
JSON arrays represent a collection of objects. In JS, theres a bunch of collection functions off of them such as slice, pop, push. Objects have just more raw data. A JSONArray is an ordered sequence of values. Its external text form is a string wrapped in square brackets with commas separating the ...
There are times with multiple static objects where you need to be able to guarantee that the singleton will not be destroyed until all the static objects that use the singleton no longer need it. In this case std::shared_ptr can be used to keep the singleton alive for all users even when the static...
Sometimes you want to keep the switched-out components in memory, to make that happen, you should use <keep-alive> element: Javascript: new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { currentPage: 'home', }, methods: { switchTo: function(page) { this.currentPage = page; ...
Avoid calling methods using strings that can accept methods. This approach will make use of reflection that can slow down your game especially when used in the update function. Examples: //Avoid StartCoroutine with method name this.StartCoroutine("SampleCoroutine"); //Ins...
This is a bare minimum setup for MySQL servers using InnoDB tables. Using InnoDB, query cache is not required. Reclaim disk space when a table or database is DROPed. If you're using SSDs, flushing is a redundant operation (SDDs are not sequential). default_storage_engine = InnoDB query_cache_type ...
Make sure that you first have Node.js and npm installed. Then install sequelize.js with npm npm install --save sequelize You will also need to install supported database Node.js modules. You only need to install the one you are using For MYSQL and Mariadb npm install --save mysql For Postgr...
The Lru Cache will store all the added resources (values) for fast access until it reaches a memory limit, in which case it will drop the less used resource (value) to store the new one. To initialise the Lru cache you need to provide a maximum memory value. This value depends on your application r...
Step 1: Create an empty project via File -> New Project. Step 2: Right click the project solution and select Build Dependencies->Build Customizations. Step 3: Check the checkbox ".masm". Step 4: Press the button "ok". Step 5: Create your assembly file and type in th...
Detailed instructions on getting prestashop-1.6 set up or installed. Start by downloading the zip-file from prestashop.com/download In the zip-folder you'll find a folder called prestashop and an html-file with an installation guide Put the contents of the folder prestashop into the location wh...
Many, pure python, packages are not yet available on the Python Package Index as wheels but still install fine. However, some packages on Windows give the dreaded vcvarsall.bat not found error. The problem is that the package that you are trying to install contains a C or C++ extension and is not c...
There are changes in how we are setting the initial states. React.createClass We have a getInitialState function, which simply returns an Object of initial states. import React from 'react'; const MyComponent = React.createClass({ getInitialState () { return { activePage: 1 ...
There is no such things as .sln and .proj files. Instead of them folders are being used in Visual Studio Code. Each project folder should have a seperate project.json file. /MyProject.Core SourceFile.cs project.json /MyProject.Web /Controllers /Views project.json To refe...
CI/CD pipeline Centralized authentication and authorization service API documentation API gateway Centralize log management tool Service monitor Infrastructure Automation Centralized config server
SQlite example Step by step Explanation The steps below demonstrate how to include this component in a Xamarin.Forms Shared Project: to add packages in (pcl,Andriod,Windows,Ios) Add References Click on Manage Nuget packages ->click on Browse to install SQLite.Net.Core-PCL , SQLite Net Ext...
To reverse a list, it isn't important what type the list elements are, only what order they're in. This is a perfect candidate for a generic function, so the same reverseal function can be used no matter what list is passed. let rev list = let rec loop acc = function | [] -...
let map f list = let rec loop acc = function | [] -> List.rev acc | head :: tail -> loop (f head :: acc) tail loop [] list The signature of this function is ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list, which is the most generic it can be. This does not p...

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