Tutorial by Examples: al

Terminal does not require any setup or installation and can be found by default. Mac OS Terminal comes default in macOS, and can be found in the Applications directory (Applications > Utilities > Terminal.app). Linux (Ubuntu) To open up your terminal press CTRL + ALT + T. Or search in the ...
Detailed instructions on getting visual-studio-lightswitch set up or installed.
Detailed instructions on getting web-socket set up or installed.
Install apache: sudo apt-get install apache2 Install MySql: sudo apt-get install mysql-server Install PHP: sudo apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5 Restart system: sudo systemctl restart apache2 Check PHP installation: php -r 'echo "\n\nYour PHP installation is working fi...
1. $_ : The default input and pattern-searching space. Example 1: my @array_variable = (1 2 3 4); foreach (@array_variable){ print $_."\n"; # $_ will get the value 1,2,3,4 in loop, if no other variable is supplied. } Example 2: while (<FH>){ chomp($_); # $_ re...
Floyd-Warshall's algorithm is for finding shortest paths in a weighted graph with positive or negative edge weights. A single execution of the algorithm will find the lengths (summed weights) of the shortest paths between all pair of vertices. With a little variation, it can print the shortest path ...
Weighted Job Scheduling Algorithm can also be denoted as Weighted Activity Selection Algorithm. The problem is, given certain jobs with their start time and end time, and a profit you make when you finish the job, what is the maximum profit you can make given no two jobs can be executed in parallel...
Detailed instructions on getting azure-documentdb set up or installed.
The DirectX SDK is included within the Windows SDK, in all versions past Windows SDK v8. Normally, the Windows SDK is installed with Visual Studio (any version past Visual Studio 2012), however, it can be installed separately. Previously, the DirectX SDK was available as a separate installation, the...
Here is how to create a custom calendar. The example given is a french calendar -- so it provides many examples. from pandas.tseries.holiday import AbstractHolidayCalendar, Holiday, EasterMonday, Easter from pandas.tseries.offsets import Day, CustomBusinessDay class FrBusinessCalendar(AbstractH...
Here is how to use the custom calendar. Get the holidays between two dates import pandas as pd from datetime import date # Creating some boundaries year = 2016 start = date(year, 1, 1) end = start + pd.offsets.MonthEnd(12) # Creating a custom calendar cal = FrBusinessCalendar() # Getti...
COALESCE () Evaluates the arguments in order and returns the current value of the first expression that initially does not evaluate to NULL. DECLARE @MyInt int -- variable is null until it is set with value. DECLARE @MyInt2 int -- variable is null until it is set with value. DECLARE @MyInt3 int -...
Apple iOS 10 Mail doesn't always auto-scale non-responsive emails. The auto-scale meta tag can be used to disable auto-scale feature in iOS 10 Mail entirely. <meta name="x-apple-disable-message-reformatting">
Most Rx operators take an optional scheduler on which to schedule their future iterations. If not supplied they will use their default configured scheduler. Supplying a scheduler can be useful for testing purposes in which we like to talk about virtual time instead of real time for speed of test exe...
We have a set of jobs J={a,b,c,d,e,f,g}. Let j in J be a job than its start at sj and ends at fj. Two jobs are compatible if they don't overlap. A picture as example: The goal is to find the maximum subset of mutually compatible jobs. There are several greedy approaches for this problem: Earli...
Open a raster that covers the globe and extract a subset of the raster. import gdal # Path to a tiff file covering the globe # http://visibleearth.nasa.gov/view.php?id=57752 tif_name = "/path_name/land_shallow_topo_21600.tif" # Open raster in read only mode ds = gdal.Open(tif_n...
Dependencies: GNU Make Version > 3.80 an ISO/ ANSI C-Compiler (e.g. gcc) an extractor like tar or gzip zlib-devel readline-devel oder libedit-devel Sources: Link to the latest source (9.6.3) Now you can extract the source files: tar -xzvf postgresql-9.6.3.tar.gz There are a large ...
How to read a netCDF file (.nc) with python gdal ? import gdal # Path of netCDF file netcdf_fname = "/filepath/PREVIMER_WW3-GLOBAL-30MIN.nc" # Specify the layer name to read layer_name = "hs" # Open netcdf file.nc with gdal ds = gdal.Open("NETCDF:{0}:{1}".f...
Viridis (named after the chromis viridis fish) is a recently developed color scheme for the Python library matplotlib (the video presentation by the link explains how the color scheme was developed and what are its main advantages). It is seamlessly ported to R. There are 4 variants of color scheme...
The model Magento uses to store customer and product data results in longer than average SQL queries and more reads. Enabling the Flat Catalog option for Categories and Products will merge product data into one table, therefore improving performance. Login to your administration area and go to – Sy...

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