Tutorial by Examples: al

Add-ons can be installed as: Normal add-ons, which are installed until uninstalled Temporary Add-ons (extensions only): are only installed until Firefox is restarted, or can manually uninstalled earlier. Using jpm run (Add-on SDK only): Automatically runs Firefox using a temporary profile with ...
//Add a List validation to B column. Values should be in a list var val = worksheet.DataValidations.AddListValidation("B:B"); //Shows error message when the input doesn't match the accepted values val.ShowErrorMessage = true; //Style of warning. "information" and "warn...
//Add a List validation to the C column var val3 = worksheet.DataValidations.AddIntegerValidation("E:E"); //For Integer Validation, you have to set error message to true val3.ShowErrorMessage = true; val3.Error = "The value must be an integer between 0 and 10"; //Minimum a...
//Add a DateTime Validation to column F var val4 = worksheet.DataValidations.AddDateTimeValidation("F:F"); //For DateTime Validation, you have to set error message to true val4.ShowErrorMessage = true; //Minimum allowed date val4.Formula.Value = new DateTime(2017,03,15, 01, 0,0); /...
//Add a TextLength Validation to column G var val5 = worksheet.DataValidations.AddTextLengthValidation("G:G"); //For TextLenght Validation, you have to set error message to true val5.ShowErrorMessage = true; //Minimum allowed text lenght val5.Formula.Value = 3; //Maximum allowed te...
For Getting updated or to do something before app goes live to user you can use below method. AppDidFinishLaunching - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { // Write your code before app launch return YES; } While ...
BlackjackHand blackjackHand = new BlackjackHand( new Card('6', SPADES), Arrays.asList(new Card('4', CLUBS), new Card('A', HEARTS))); Moshi moshi = new Moshi.Builder().build(); JsonAdapter<BlackjackHand> jsonAdapter = moshi.adapter(BlackjackHand.class); String json = jsonAdapte...
workflow DoSomeWork { parallel { Get-Process -ComputerName server01 Get-Process -ComputerName server02 Get-Process -ComputerName server03 } } One of the unique features of PowerShell Workflow is the ability to define a block of activities as parallel. To use this feature, us...
using Newtonsoft.Json; var obj = new Person { Name = "Joe Smith", Age = 21 }; var serializedJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj); This results in this JSON: {"Name":"Joe Smith","Age":21}
var json = "{\"Name\":\"Joe Smith\",\"Age\":21}"; var person = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Person>(json); This yields a Person object with Name "Joe Smith" and Age 21.
Occasionally we see StackOverflow Java questions (and C or C++ questions) that ask what something like this: i += a[i++] + b[i--]; evaluates to ... for some known initial states of i, a and b. Generally speaking: for Java the answer is always specified1, but non-obvious, and often difficult ...
Preamble TL;TR: For illustration-purposes the lines of this document beginning with 'TL;TR:' are followed by commandline refering to Plone-helper-scripts of the egg 'adi.devgen'. If you execute the command given after 'TL;TR:', it will create all the files explained of the following chapter. Th...
Docker is supported on the following 64-bit versions of Ubuntu Linux: Ubuntu Xenial 16.04 (LTS) Ubuntu Wily 15.10 Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 (LTS) Ubuntu Precise 12.04 (LTS) A couple of notes: The following instructions involve installation using Docker packages only, and this ensures obtaining...
Haskell Wiki has an example of a non-parametric parameter of a type function: type family Inspect x type instance Inspect Age = Int type instance Inspect Int = Bool Here x is non-parametric because to determine the outcome of applying Inspect to a type argument, the type function must insp...
An example of a parametric parameter of a type function: data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a) type family DoNotInspect x type instance DoNotInspect x = List x Here x is parametric because to determine the outcome of applying DoNotInspect to a type argument, the type function do not need to in...
StrictMode.setVmPolicy(new StrictMode.VmPolicy.Builder() .detectActivityLeaks() .detectLeakedClosableObjects() .penaltyLog() .build());
The core types in the Gjallarhorn library implement IObservable<'a>, which will make the implementation look familiar (remember the EventStream property from the FSharp.ViewModule example). The only real change to our model is the order of the arguments of the update function. Also, we now use...
Detailed instructions on getting apache-spark-sql set up or installed.
With pip: pip install pygame With conda: conda install -c tlatorre pygame=1.9.2 Direct download from website : http://www.pygame.org/download.shtml You can find the suitable installers fro windows and other operating systems. Projects can also be found at http://www.pygame.org/
The member function fill() can be used on std::array for changing the values at once post initialization int main() { std::array<int, 3> arr = { 1, 2, 3 }; // change all elements of the array to 100 arr.fill(100); }

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