Tutorial by Examples: al

HAML (HTML abstraction markup language) is a beautiful and elegant way to describe and design the HTML of your views. Instead of opening- and closing tags, HAML uses indentation for the structure of your pages. Basically, if something should be placed within another element, you just indent it by us...
EXP - Returns the result of raising a number to a power. EXP( base, exponent) MESSAGE EXP(10, 2) VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX. // Messages 100 SQRT - Returns the square root of a number. SQRT( number) MESSAGE "The square root of 256 is " SQRT(256) VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX. // Messages 16 M...
In this article we will use a simple database called “Company” with two tables: [dbo].[Categories]([CategoryID], [CategoryName]) [dbo].[Products]([ProductID], [CategoryID], [ProductName]) 1-1 Generate Entity Framework code In this layer we generate the Entity Framework code (in project library) ...
Operational System Setup (Linux-CentOS x64 or RedHat x64) 1-Increase the swap space to a minimum of 2 Gb 2-Space and CPU requirements: -Vertica requires at least 1 GB per CPU. -disk utilization per node should no more than sixty percent (60%). Disk space is temporarily required by certain query...
A common mistake MATLAB coders have, is using the length function for matrices (as opposed to vectors, for which it is intended). The length function, as mentioned in its documentation, "returns the length of the largest array dimension" of the input. For vectors, the return value of leng...
require 'json' data = JSON '{"test":23}' # => {"test"=>23} or require 'json' data = JSON['{"test":23}'] # => {"test"=>23}
require 'json' document = JSON 'test' => 23 # => "{\"test\":23}" or require 'json' document = JSON['test' => 23] # => "{\"test\":23}"
Here, a cursor is used to loop through all databases. Futhermore, a cursor from dynamic sql is used to query each database returned by the first cursor. This is to demonstrate the connection-scope of a cursor. DECLARE @db_name nvarchar(255) DECLARE @sql nvarchar(MAX) DECLARE @schema nvarcha...
To install a new library into the Arduino IDE: Open Sketch Menu > Include Library > Manage Libraries. Once you have opened the Library Manager you can use the menu in the top to filter the results. Click on the library you want, select a version in the drop down menu, and click...
run the follows commands at cmd npm install -g protractor webdriver-manager update webdriver-manager start **create protractor.conf.js file in the main app root. very important to decleare useAllAngular2AppRoots: true const config = { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/', s...
Detailed instructions on getting kendo-asp.net-mvc set up or installed.
Tweepy can be installed from its PyPI repository using pip or easy_install: pip install tweepy or easy_install tweepy You can also download the source from GitHub and install it using setup.py: python setup.py install See the tweepy documentation for more.
Let's consider the below snippet, Get-ChildItem -Path C:\MyFolder | Select-Object Name, CreationTime, Length It simply output the folder content with the selected properties. Something like, What if I want to display the file size in KB ? This is where calcualted properties comes handy. Get-...
Unlike functions, there's no need to forward declare a procedure. It can be placed anywhere in your code, before or after you call it using RUN. RUN proc. //Procedure starts here PROCEDURE proc: //Procedure ends here END PROCEDURE. The procedure name is folowed by a colon sign telling u...
Detailed instructions on getting django-forms set up or installed.
Flexbox is a CSS3 module, standardized by the World Wide Web Consortium. It is a layout mode for element arrangement such that the elements behave predictably when the page layout must accommodate different display sizes. Because it is a part of CSS3, you don't need to install anything. It can be u...
To restrict the characters that can be typed into an entry widget, only numbers for instance, a validate command can be added to the entry. A validate command is a function that return True if the change is accepted, False otherwise. This function will be called each time the content of the entry is...
Detailed instructions on getting jq set up or installed. Install on Mac Using brew: $ brew install jq Then test: $ echo '{"name": "john"}' {"name": "john"} $ echo '{"name": "john"}' | jq '.' { "name": "john&quo...
The connection between the widget and the scrollbar goes both ways. The scrollbar needs to be expanded vertically so that it has the same height as the widget. text = tk.Text(parent) text.pack(side="left") scroll_y = tk.Scrollbar(parent, orient="vertical", command=text.yview...

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