Tutorial by Examples: ee

class ImageExample extends Component { render() { return ( <View> <Image style={{width: 30, height: 30}} source={{uri: 'http://facebook.github.io/react/img/logo_og.png'}} /> </View> ); } }
While catching the Throwable, Exception, Error and RuntimeException exceptions is bad, throwing them is even worse. The basic problem is that when your application needs to handle exceptions, the presence of the top level exceptions make it hard to discriminate between different error conditions. ...
If you want to xcopy files with specific type to a new folder keeping the current folder structure you need only to do this xcopy [SourcePath]*.mp3 [DestinationPath] /sy
The PCRE-compliant PCRE_UNGREEDY flag expressed with /U. It switches greediness inside a pattern: /a.*?b/U = /a.*b/ and vice versa.
Java EE stands for Java Enterprise Edition. Java EE extends the Java SE (which stands for Java Standard Edition). Java EE is a set of technologies and related specifications that are oriented towards the development of large-scale enterprise applications. Java EE is developed in a community driven p...
From within Emacs, type C-h t (Control-h, t) to get an excellent interactive tutorial within Emacs. The user learns basic navigation and editing by operating on the TUTORIAL text itself, as they read the tutorial. (Modifications to the tutorial are discarded when the tutorial is closed, so each ti...
Website: https://www.sourcetreeapp.com Price: free (account is necessary) Platforms: OS X and Windows Developer: Atlassian
SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion') AS ProductVersion, SERVERPROPERTY('ProductLevel') AS ProductLevel, SERVERPROPERTY('Edition') AS Edition, SERVERPROPERTY('EngineEdition') AS EngineEdition;
If you know you need a packet <packet>, but you don't know the exact name <packet-exact-name>, instead of searching with Google try with the following: sudo apt-get update apt-cache search <packet> This will return you a list of packets name with a description. Once you have i...
If you have a greedy match as the first quantifier, the whole RE will be greedy, If you have non-greedy match as the first quantifier, the whole RE will be non-greedy. set mydata { Device widget1: port: 156 alias: input2 Device widget2: alias: input1 Device widget3: port: 238 alias...
\m : Beginning of a word. \M : End of a word. \y : Word boundary. \Y : a point that is not a word boundary. \Z : matches end of data. Documentation: re_syntax
The following snippet replaces all Attributes called PreviousAttribute by an Attribute called ReplacementAttribute for an entire solution. The sample manually searches the Syntax tree and replaces all affected nodes. static async Task<bool> ModifySolution(string solutionPath) { ...
The following snippet replaces all Attributes called "PreviousAttribute" by an Attribute called "ReplacementAttribute" for an entire solution. The sample manually uses a SyntaxRewriter to exchange the attributes. /// <summary> /// The CSharpSyntaxRewriter allows to rewrit...
This script demonstrates how to receive complicated GUI events from different controls in the same event callback function. We'll be using two ListView controls for that. Now every time an action is detected on one of those ListView controls, we want a precise description of what happened and have ...
If your package isn't only a library, but has a piece of code that can be used either as a showcase or a standalone application when your package is installed, put that piece of code into __main__.py file. Put the __main__.py in the package_name folder. This way you will be able to run it directly ...
It is unlikely that someone uses an unsupported version of Django, and at his own risks. If ever someone does, it must be his concern to know if a feature exists in the given version. Considering the above, it is useless to mention specificities of an unsupported version. 1.6 This kind of block i...
EntityState.Added can be set in two fully equivalent ways: By setting the state of its entry in the context: context.Entry(entity).State = EntityState.Added; By adding it to a DbSet of the context: context.Entities.Add(entity); When calling SaveChanges, the entity will be inse...
For a class Person like: public class Person { public string Name { get; set; } public int Age { get; set; } public string Clothes { get; set; } } var person1 = new Person { Name = "Jon", Age = 20, Clothes = "some clothes" }; var person2 = new Person { Name ...
Suppose we have a component which will hide at a certain window width. import { Component } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ ... template: ` <div> <p [hidden]="!visible" (window:resize)="onResize($event)" >Now you see me...</p> &lt...
Using parameters passed by reference An event may define a ByRef parameter meant to be returned to the caller: Public Event BeforeSomething(ByRef cancel As Boolean) Public Event AfterSomething() Public Sub DoSomething() Dim cancel As Boolean RaiseEvent BeforeSomething(cancel) If...

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