Tutorial by Examples

case {1, 2} do {3, 4} -> "This clause won't match." {1, x} -> "This clause will match and bind x to 2 in this clause." _ -> "This clause would match any value." end case is only used to match the given pattern of the particular data...
if true do "Will be seen since condition is true." end if false do "Won't be seen since condition is false." else "Will be seen. end unless false do "Will be seen." end unless true do "Won't be seen." else ...
cond do 0 == 1 -> IO.puts "0 = 1" 2 == 1 + 1 -> IO.puts "1 + 1 = 2" 3 == 1 + 2 -> IO.puts "1 + 2 = 3" end # Outputs "1 + 1 = 2" (first condition evaluating to true) cond will raise a CondClauseError if no conditions are true. co...
Python lists are 0-based i.e. the first element in the list can be accessed by the index 0 arr = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] print(arr[0]) >> 'a' You can access the second element in the list by index 1, third element by index 2 and so on: print(arr[1]) >> 'b' print(arr[2]) >> '...
Open the Settings or Preferences dialog: On Windows or Linux, select File > Settings from the main menu. On Mac OSX, select Android Studio > Preferences from the main menu. Navigate to Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler. In the text field next to Command-line Options, enter...
The most flexible ways to sort an array is with the sortedArrayUsingComparator: method. This accepts an ^NSComparisonResult(id obj1, id obj2) block. Return Value Description NSOrderedAscending obj1 comes before obj2 NSOrderedSame obj1 and obj2 have no order NSOrdere...
StackPane lays out its children in a back-to-front stack. The z-order of the children is defined by the order of the children list (accessible by calling getChildren): the 0th child being the bottom and last child on top of the stack. The stackpane attempts to resize each child to fill its own con...
The HBox and VBox layouts are very similar, both lay out their children in a single line. Common characteristics If an HBox or a VBox have a border and/or padding set, then the contents will be layed out within those insets. They lay out each managed child regardless of the child's visible proper...
The BorderPane is separated into five different areas. The border areas (Top, Right, Bottom, Left) have preferred sized based on their content. By default they will only take what they need, while the Center area will take any remaining space. When the border areas are empty, they do not take up ...
Keyword lists are tuples of key/value, generally used as options for a function call. [{:a, 1}, {:b, 2}] // creates a non-empty keyword list Keyword lists can have the same key repeated more than once. [{:a, 1}, {:a, 2}, {:b, 2}] [{:a, 1}, {:b, 2}, {:a, 2}] Keys and values can be any type: ...
CountDownLatch A synchronization aid that allows one or more threads to wait until a set of operations being performed in other threads completes. A CountDownLatch is initialized with a given count. The await methods block until the current count reaches zero due to invocations of the count...
When Intel defined the original 8086, it was a 16-bit processor with a 20-bit address bus (see below). They defined 8 general-purpose 16-bit registers - but gave them specific roles for certain instructions: AX The Accumulator register. Many opcodes either assumed this register, or were faster i...
When Intel produced the 80386, they upgraded from a 16-bit processor to a 32-bit one. 32-bit processing means two things: both the data being manipulated was 32-bit, and the memory addresses being accessed were 32-bit. To do this, but still remain compatible with their earlier processors, they intro...
The first four 16-bit registers could have their upper- and lower-half bytes accessed directly as their own registers: AH and AL are the High and Low halves of the AX register. BH and BL are the High and Low halves of the BX register. CH and CL are the High and Low halves of the CX register. D...
Segmentation When Intel was designing the original 8086, there were already a number of 8-bit processors that had 16-bit capabilities - but they wanted to produce a true 16-bit processor. They also wanted to produce something better and more capable than what was already out there, so they wanted t...
AMD is a processor manufacturer that had licensed the design of the 80386 from Intel to produce compatible - but competing - versions. They made internal changes to the design to improve throughput or other enhancements to the design, while still being able to execute the same programs. To one-up I...
When the x86 Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) performs operations like NOT and ADD, it flags the results of these operations ("became zero", "overflowed", "became negative") in a special 16-bit FLAGS register. 32-bit processors upgraded this to 32 bits and called it EFLAGS, ...
Detailed instructions on Joomla installation can be found on its official website documentation.
Detailed instructions on getting joomla3.0 set up or installed.
Classpath requirements Eclipselink The Eclipselink and JPA API need to be included. Example Maven dependencies: <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>org.eclipse.persistence</groupId> <artifactId>eclipselink</artifactId> <version>2.6.3&lt...

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