Tutorial by Examples

You're going to have to import Image from the react-native package like so then use it: import { Image } from 'react'; <Image source={{uri: 'https://image-souce.com/awesomeImage'}} /> You can also use a local image with a slightly different syntax but same logic like so: import { Image...
Delphi has the following string types (in order of popularity): TypeMaximum lengthMinimum sizeDescriptionstring2GB16 bytesA managed string. An alias for AnsiString through Delphi 2007, and an alias for UnicodeString as of Delphi 2009.UnicodeString2GB16 bytesA managed string in UTF-16 format.AnsiStr...
Using some setters, without setting all needed properties in the constructor(s) public final class Person { // example of a bad immutability private final String name; private final String surname; public Person(String name) { this.name = name; } public String ge...
JasperSoft Studio If datasource or database connection is needed to fill report, create your Data Adapter in Repository Explorer by right clicking "Data Adapters" selecting "Create Data Adapter" Enter preview mode by selecting the Preview tab (no errors in deign need t...
Common Requirements All reports, regardless of how the data is presented, take a path to the report template and a parameter map. The variables are used in all examples that follow: // Parameters passed into the report. Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<>(); // Arbitrary...
(Wikipedia) Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary field that develops methods and software tools for understanding biological data. As an interdisciplinary field of science, bioinformatics combines computer science, statistics, mathematics, and engineering to analyze and interpret biological dat...
When working with Azure using PowerShell there are 2 different ways you should be aware of and you will see a lot of the Microsoft documentation referring to both of them: "Classic mode (Service Management)" This is the old way of operating Azure and managing Azure. There is still some s...
Classic (Service Management) mode: Add-AzureAccount This will authenticate you using Azure Active Directory, and PowerShell gets an access token that expires after about 12 hours. So you must repeat the authentication after 12 hours. An alternative is to run the following cmdlet: Get-AzurePubl...
When you have multiple subscriptions under your Azure account; it's important that you are selecting the one you wish to operate on (and use this as default); to avoid accidents happening to resources on the wrong subscription. Classic mode Set-AzureSubscription Select-AzureSubscription Resou...
The AND keyword is used to add more conditions to the query. NameAgeGenderSam18MJohn21MBob22MMary23F SELECT name FROM persons WHERE gender = 'M' AND age > 20; This will return: NameJohnBob using OR keyword SELECT name FROM persons WHERE gender = 'M' OR age < 20; This will return: n...
Magento custom module development is a core part of any Magento development or Magento project, because at any stage you may want to integrate your own functionality/module in your existing Magento project. The first thing developers should disable is the system cache. Otherwise developing will bec...
A string resource provides text strings for your application with optional text styling and formatting. There are three types of resources that can provide your application with strings: String XML resource that provides a single string. Syntax: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="...
Create a new project with the Leiningen figwheel template: lein new figwheel hello-world Run Figwheel: cd hello-world lein figwheel After a moment it will start a development webserver and open the page in your browser. It also opens a Clojurescript REPL connected to the browser. Try enter...
When working with existing model that is quite big and is being regenerated quite often in cases where abstraction needed it might be costly to manually go around redecorating model with interfaces. In such cases one might want to add some dynamic behavior to model generation. Following example wil...
Logical operators in Lua don't "return" boolean, but one of their arguments. Using nil for false and numbers for true, here's how they behave. print(nil and nil) -- nil print(nil and 2) -- nil print(1 and nil) -- nil print(1 and 2) -- 2 print(nil or n...
:s/foo/bar/c Marks the first instance of foo on the line and asks for confirmation for substitution with bar :%s/foo/bar/gc Marks consecutively every match of foo in the file and asks for confirmation for substitution with bar
Some ADO.NET providers (most notably: OleDB) do not support named parameters; parameters are instead specified only by position, with the ? place-holder. Dapper would not know what member to use for these, so dapper allows an alternative syntax, ?foo?; this would be the same as @foo or :foo in other...
It's possible to pass Java objects to Nashorn engine to be processed in Java code. At the same time, there are some JavaScript (and Nashorn) specific constructions, and it's not always clear how they work with java objects. Below there is a table which describes behaviour of native Java objects ins...
User-defined method objects may be created when getting an attribute of a class (perhaps via an instance of that class), if that attribute is a user-defined function object, an unbound user-defined method object, or a class method object. class A(object): # func: A user-defined function object...
In C, a pointer can refer to another pointer. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(void) { int A = 42; int* pA = &A; int** ppA = &pA; int*** pppA = &ppA; printf("%d", ***pppA); /* prints 42 */ return EXIT_SUCCESS; } But, ref...

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