Tutorial by Examples

Examples of monotonic predicates are: unification with (=)/2 or unify_with_occurs_check/2 dif/2, expressing disequality of terms CLP(FD) constraints like (#=)/2 and (#>)/2, using a monotonic execution mode. Prolog predicates that only use monotonic goals are themselves monotonic. Monoton...
Here are examples of predicates that are not monotonic: meta-logical predicates like var/1, integer/1 etc. term comparison predicates like (@<)/2 and (@>=)/2 predicates that use !/0, (\+)/1 and other constructs that break monotonicity all-solutions predicates like findall/3 and setof/3. ...
Here are examples of how to use monotonic predicates instead of impure, non-monotonic constructs in your programs: dif/2 is meant to be used instead of non-monotonic constructs like (\=)/2 arithmetic constraints (CLP(FD), CLP(Q) and others) are meant to be used instead of moded arithmetic predi...
It is sometimes argued that, for the sake of efficiency, we must accept the use of non-monotonic constructs in real-world Prolog programs. There is no evidence for this. Recent research indicates that the pure monotonic subset of Prolog may not only be sufficient to express most real-world programs...


using OpenQA.Selenium; using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome; namespace BasicWebdriver { class WebDriverTest { static void Main() { using (var driver = new ChromeDriver()) { driver.Navigate().GoToUrl("http://www.google.com"...
Sometimes what you have is a list, but the command you want to pass the items in the list to demands to get each item as a separate argument. For instance: the winfo children command returns a list of windows, but the destroy command will only take a sequence of window name arguments. set alpha [wi...
//Example 1 int[] array = { 1, 5, 2, 10, 7 }; // Select squares of all odd numbers in the array sorted in descending order IEnumerable<int> query = from x in array where x % 2 == 1 orderby x descending select x ...
To interact with WebElements in a webpage, first we need to identify the location of the element. By is the keyword available in selenium. You can locate the elements By.. By ID By Class Name By TagName By Name By Link Text By Partial Link Text By CSS Selector By XPath Using JavaScript ...
It is deemed best practice to always use Option Explicit in VBA as it forces the developer to declare all their variables before use. This has other benefits too, such as auto-capitalization for declared variable names and IntelliSense. Option Explicit Sub OptionExplicit() Dim a As Integer ...
Option Compare Binary Binary comparison makes all checks for string equality within a module/class case sensitive. Technically, with this option, string comparisons are performed using sort order of the binary representations of each character. A < B < E < Z < a < b < e < z ...
Option Base is used to declare the default lower bound of array elements. It is declared at module level and is valid only for the current module. By default (and thus if no Option Base is specified), the Base is 0. Which means that the first element of any array declared in the module has an index...
set can also be invoked with just one argument. When called with just one argument, it returns the contents of that argument. % set x 235 235 % set x 235
List<Integer> nums = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3); List<String> strings = nums.stream() .map(Object::toString) .collect(Collectors.toList()); That is: Create a stream from the list Map each element using Object::toString Collect the String values into a List using Collectors...
CSS div.needle { margin: 100px; height: 150px; width: 150px; transform: rotateY(85deg) rotateZ(45deg); /* presentational */ background-image: linear-gradient(to top left, #555 0%, #555 40%, #444 50%, #333 97%); box-shadow: inset 6px 6px 22px 8px #272727; } HTML <div c...
<svg height="80" width="160"> <ellipse cx="80" cy="40" rx="50" ry="30" style="fill:yellow; stroke:black; stroke-width:2" /> </svg> Rendered:
In general, UWP is used for making a single application that runs on Windows 10 across many different devices. However, it is also possible to make code tailored to specific devices. You can achieve this in several different ways. Different XAML Layout If you want to use a specific layout on for a...
The chan-signal crate provides a solution to handle OS signal using channels, altough this crate is experimental and should be used carefully. Example taken from BurntSushi/chan-signal. #[macro_use] extern crate chan; extern crate chan_signal; use chan_signal::Signal; fn main() { // S...
The nix crate provides an UNIX Rust API to handle signals, however it requires using unsafe rust so you should be careful. use nix::sys::signal; extern fn handle_sigint(_:i32) { // Be careful here... } fn main() { let sig_action = signal::SigAction::new(handle_sigint, ...
Unlike emails, JIDs were defined with Internationalization (i18n) in mind using the Preparation, Enforcement, and Comparison of Internationalized Strings (PRECIS) framework. PRECIS (defined in RFC 7564), is a framework for comparing strings safely in a variety of contexts. For instance, imagine you...
Adding a footer is not natively possible. Luckily, we can make use of jQuery and CSS to add a footer to the slides of an ioslides presentation rendered with knitr. First of all we have to include the jQuery plugin. This is done by the line <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs...

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