Tutorial by Examples: c

Below is an example for implementing a Search input box that helps users to search the occurances of a particular value across the datatable. In the below example, #report is the div id of the div that contains the search input box. This function is called as soon as the user enters a value in this...
To cycle the level of outline shown: Tab Cycle outline level for one heading Shift-Tab Cycle outline level for the whole document To cycle through TODO states: Shift-Right Arrow Shift-Left Arrow To increase or decrease hierarchical level for a heading Meta-Right Arrow Make lower le...
CIM/WMI is most commonly used to query information or configuration on a device. Thof a class that represents a configuration, process, user etc. In PowerShell there are multiple ways to access these classes and instances, but the most common ways are by using the Get-CimInstance (CIM) or Get-WmiObj...
There are many classes available in CIM and WMI which are separated into multiple namespaces. The most common (and default) namespace in Windows is root/cimv2. To find the righ class, it can useful to list all or search. List available classes You can list all available classes in the default name...
;WITH cte_query_1 AS ( SELECT * FROM database.table1 ), cte_query_2 AS ( SELECT * FROM database.table2 ) SELECT * FROM cte_query_1 WHERE cte_query_one.fk IN ( SELECT PK FROM cte_query_2 ) With common table expressions, it is possible to create multiple ...
You can add different dependencies for a specific product flavor. Just use the <flavorName>Compile 'group:name:x.y.z' syntax: android { ... productFlavors { flavor1 { //..... } flavor2 { //..... } } } ... d...
When Java annotations were first introduced there was no provision for annotating the target of an instance method or the hidden constructor parameter for an inner classes constructor. This was remedied in Java 8 with addition of receiver parameter declarations; see JLS 8.4.1. The receiver param...
Single-line comments begin with a pound sign # and go to the end of the line: # This is a comment my $foo = "bar"; # This is also a comment
Multi-line comments start with = and with the =cut statement. These are special comments called POD (Plain Old Documentation). Any text between the markers will be commented out: =begin comment This is another comment. And it spans multiple lines! =end comment =cut
The Combined Call method allows you to use multiple AlchemyLanguage functions in one request. This example uses a Combined Call to get entities and keywords from the IBM website and returns sentiment information for each result. This example requires AlchemyLanguage service credentials and Node.j...
AlchemyLanguage's Targeted Sentiment feature can search your content for target phrases and return sentiment information for each result. This example requires AlchemyLanguage service credentials and Node.js Use a command-line interface to install the Watson Developer Cloud Node.js SDK: $...
AlchemyLanguage can detect general concepts referenced in your content. The service returns Linked Data links for each concept and a URL to a relevant website when possible. This example requires AlchemyLanguage service credentials and Node.js Use a command-line interface to install the Wats...
If you would like to use vim in a manner similar to sed, you may use the -c flag to run an ex command from the command line. This command will run automatically before presenting the file to you. For example, to replace foo with bar: vim file.txt -c "s/foo/bar" This will open up the fi...
// this function add custom interval (5 minutes) to the $schedules function five_minutes_interval( $schedules ) { $schedules['five_minutes'] = array( 'interval' => 60 * 5, 'display' => '5 minutes'; ); return $schedules; } // add a custom in...
The hash codes produced by GetHashCode() method for built-in and common C# types from the System namespace are shown below. Boolean 1 if value is true, 0 otherwise. Byte, UInt16, Int32, UInt32, Single Value (if necessary casted to Int32). SByte ((int)m_value ^ (int)m_value << 8); Char...
Enable the module by typing: sudo a2enmod ssl Restart the web server (apache2) so the change is recognized: sudo service apache2 restart Optional (but a good idea): Create a directory that will contain our new certificate files: sudo mkdir /etc/apache2/ssl Create the key and self-signed ...
Pointers can be dereferenced by adding an asterisk * before a pointer. package main import ( "fmt" ) type Person struct { Name string } func main() { c := new(Person) // returns pointer c.Name = "Catherine" fmt.Println(c.Name) // prints: Cathe...
You can have a config.yml file that loads directly from your jar file. It must be added to your project's folder, the same way as the plugin.yml file is. In this file you have the default values for your configuration. Example config: # This is an YML comment adminName: "Kerooker" mod...
What can happen in your config file is having a path to a variable that goes through multiple sections. Example Config admins: first-tier: "Kerooker" second-tier: "Mordekaiser" third-tier: "Yesh4" The name "Kerooker" is from section "first-tier...
Instead of getting a reference to the DOM you can simply change the index of the tab using the selectedIndex attribute on the ion-tabs HTML: <ion-tabs [selectedIndex]="tabIndex" class="tabs-icon-text" primary > <ion-tab tabIcon="list-box" [root]=&qu...

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