Tutorial by Examples: c

Qt offers a deployment tool for Mac: The Mac Deployment Tool. The Mac deployment tool can be found in QTDIR/bin/macdeployqt. It is designed to automate the process of creating a deployable application bundle that contains the Qt libraries as private frameworks. The mac deployment tool also deploys...
You can read content of file using OPENROWSET(BULK) function and store content in some table: INSERT INTO myTable(content) SELECT BulkColumn FROM OPENROWSET(BULK N'C:\Text1.txt', SINGLE_BLOB) AS Document; SINGLE_BLOB option will read entire content from a file as single cell. ...
follow these step to creating Custom Framework in Swift-IOS: Create a new project. In Xcode Choose iOS/Framework & Library/Cocoa Touch Framework to create a new framework click next and set the productName click next and choose directory to create Project there add code and resources to c...
A basic implementation for singly-linked-list in java - that can add integer values to the end of the list, remove the first value encountered value from list, return an array of values at a given instant and determine whether a given value is present in the list. Node.java package com.example.so....
As with everything in Windows Azure, You have to have a Windows Azure account and an Azure Subscription. After you have both, go to https://portal.azure.com. From here, you can add new resources to your Azure subscription. Click New on the left menu.A new blade will be added to the right of you...
PERFORM some-paragraph
This is a contrived sample. It sorts records based on an ALPHABET that has upper and lower case characters together, with A and a swapped compared to the other letters. This was done on purpose to demonstrate the possibilities. The SORT algorithm reader retrieves records using RELEASE in the INPU...
This is a seedwork sample. The SORT OUTPUT PROCEDURE could manipulate the sorted records before they are returned to the write portion of the internal COBOL sort algorithm. In this case, no transformation is done, work-rec is directly moved to out-rec. GCobol >>SOURCE FORMAT IS FIXED ...
Data sets often contain comments that explain the data format or contain the license and usage terms. You usually want to ignore these lines when you read in the DataFrame. The readtable function assumes that comment lines begin with the '#' character. However, your file may use comment marks like ...
Since defining all of the authorization logic in the AuthServiceProvider could become cumbersome in large applications, Laravel allows you to split your authorization logic into "Policy" classes. Policies are plain PHP classes that group authorization logic based on the resource they autho...
Selecting data with condition $query = $this->db->select('*') ->from('table_name') ->where('column_name', $value) // Condition ->get(); return $query->result(); Selecting data with multiple conditions $conditions =...
a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] # steps through the list backwards (step=-1) b = a[::-1] # built-in list method to reverse 'a' a.reverse() if a = b: print(True) print(b) # Output: # True # [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
def shift_list(array, s): """Shifts the elements of a list to the left or right. Args: array - the list to shift s - the amount to shift the list ('+': right-shift, '-': left-shift) Returns: shifted_array - the shifted list "&quo...
One drawback of creating private method in Javascript is memory-inefficient because a copy of the private method will be created every time a new instance is created. See this simple example. function contact(first, last) { this.firstName = first; this.lastName = last; this.mobile; ...
USER_SOURCE describes the text source of the stored objects owned by the current user. This view does not display the OWNER column. select * from user_source where type='TRIGGER' and lower(text) like '%order%' ALL_SOURCE describes the text source of the stored objects accessible to the current ...
select owner, table_name from all_tables ALL_TAB_COLUMNS describes the columns of the tables, views, and clusters accessible to the current user. COLS is a synonym for USER_TAB_COLUMNS. select * from all_tab_columns where table_name = :tname
select * from v$version
The following query will return informationa about qeries, their plans and average statistics regarding their duration, CPU time, physical and logical io reads. SELECT Txt.query_text_id, Txt.query_sql_text, Pl.plan_id, avg_duration, avg_cpu_time, avg_physical_io_reads, avg_logica...

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