Tutorial by Examples

Modern headers should be self-contained, which means that a program that needs to use the facilities defined by header.h can include that header (#include "header.h") and not worry about whether other headers need to be included first. Recommendation: Header files should be self-contained...
Headers are a crucial consistency checking mechanism, but they should be as small as possible. In particular, that means that a header should not include other headers just because the implementation file will need the other headers. A header should contain only those headers necessary for a con...
Google's Include What You Use project, or IWYU, ensures source files include all headers used in the code. Suppose a source file source.c includes a header arbitrary.h which in turn coincidentally includes freeloader.h, but the source file also explicitly and independently uses the facilities from ...
The C standard says that there is very little difference between the #include <header.h> and #include "header.h" notations. [#include <header.h>] searches a sequence of implementation-defined places for a header identified uniquely by the specified sequence between the &l...
If a singleshot timer is required, it is quiet handy to have the slot as lambda function right in the place where the timer is declared: QTimer::singleShot(1000, []() { /*Code here*/ } ); Due to this Bug (QTBUG-26406), this is way is only possible since Qt5.4. In earlier Qt5 versions it has to ...
Debian, Ubuntu and CentOS Add the official repository Debian/Ubuntu curl -L https://packages.gitlab.com/install/repositories/runner/gitlab-ci-multi-runner/script.deb.sh | sudo bash CentOS curl -L https://packages.gitlab.com/install/repositories/runner/gitlab-ci-multi-runner/script.rpm.sh ...
The config location for your runner is: Debian/Ubuntu/CentOS /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml if run as root ~/.gitlab-runner/config.toml if run as non-root Windows config.toml where your binary is located A minimal config.toml can look like this: concurrent = 1 [[runners]] name = "E...
Gmail Example MAIL_URL=smtp://username%40gmail.com:[email protected]:465/ Note: This setup only allows 2000 emails to be sent per day. Please see https://support.google.com/a/answer/176600?hl=en for alternative configurations.
Org provides a full markup language which helps structuring the document, and is reflected as accurately as possible when exporting to other formats (like HTML or LaTeX). Structure Document title #+TITLE: This is the title of the document Sectioning * First level ** Second level Lists Or...
Setup First, install the necessary packages with: npm install express cors mongoose Code Then, add dependencies to server.js, create the database schema and the name of the collection, create an Express.js server, and connect to MongoDB: var express = require('express'); var cors = require('...
Run the following as root: passwd username
Run the following as root: useradd username
Run the following as root: userdel username
Run the following as root: userdel -r username
groups More detailed information about user and group numerical IDs can be found with the id command.
groups username More detailed information about user and group numerical IDs can be found with id username.
This can be useful if you're writing a game or something that needs to execute a piece of code every a few seconds. import android.os.Handler; public class Timer { private Handler handler; private boolean paused; private int interval; private Runnable task = new Runnable ...
// World physics self.physicsWorld.gravity = CGVectorMake(0, -9.8);
Firstly, we set node category let groundBody: UInt32 = 0x1 << 0 let boxBody: UInt32 = 0x1 << 1 Then add Ground type node and Box type node. let ground = SKSpriteNode(color: UIColor.cyanColor(), size: CGSizeMake(self.frame.width, 50)) ground.position = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(sel...

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