Tutorial by Examples: al

Let's say you've got a list of restaurants -- maybe you read it from a file. You care about the unique restaurants in the list. The best way to get the unique elements from a list is to turn it into a set: restaurants = ["McDonald's", "Burger King", "McDonald's", &qu...
$ git branch -d dev Deletes the branch named dev if its changes are merged with another branch and will not be lost. If the dev branch does contain changes that have not yet been merged that would be lost, git branch -d will fail: $ git branch -d dev error: The branch 'dev' is not fully merged...
When using inheritance, you can specify the virtual keyword: struct A{}; struct B: public virtual A{}; When class B has virtual base A it means that A will reside in most derived class of inheritance tree, and thus that most derived class is also responsible for initializing that virtual base: ...
A std::vector can be initialized in several ways while declaring it: C++11 std::vector<int> v{ 1, 2, 3 }; // v becomes {1, 2, 3} // Different from std::vector<int> v(3, 6) std::vector<int> v{ 3, 6 }; // v becomes {3, 6} // Different from std::vector<int> v{3, ...
Swift //Align contents to the left of the frame button.contentHorizontalAlignment = .left //Align contents to the right of the frame button.contentHorizontalAlignment = .right //Align contents to the center of the frame button.contentHorizontalAlignment = .center //Make contents fill th...
You can use the nil coalescing operator to unwrap a value if it is non-nil, otherwise provide a different value: func fallbackIfNil(str: String?) -> String { return str ?? "Fallback String" } print(fallbackIfNil("Hi")) // Prints "Hi" print(fallbackIfNil(nil)...
The datepicker is used to show an interactive date selector which is tied to a standard form input field. It makes selecting of date for input tasks very easy and also it is also highly configurable. Any input field can be bound with jquery-ui datepicker by the input field's selector (id,class etc....
Bold Text To bold text, use the <strong> or <b> tags: <strong>Bold Text Here</strong> or <b>Bold Text Here</b> What’s the difference? Semantics. <strong> is used to indicate that the text is fundamentally or semantically important to the surrounding...
If you are using the PASSWORD_DEFAULT method to let the system choose the best algorithm to hash your passwords with, as the default increases in strength you may wish to rehash old passwords as users log in <?php // first determine if a supplied password is valid if (password_verify($plaintex...
Unlike classes, which are passed by reference, structures are passed through copying: first = "Hello" second = first first += " World!" // first == "Hello World!" // second == "Hello" String is a structure, therefore it's copied on assignment. Structu...
Local variables are defined within a function, method, or closure: func printSomething() { let localString = "I'm local!" print(localString) } func printSomethingAgain() { print(localString) // error } Global variables are defined outside of a function, method, or c...
import multiprocessing def fib(n): """computing the Fibonacci in an inefficient way was chosen to slow down the CPU.""" if n <= 2: return 1 else: return fib(n-1)+fib(n-2) p = multiprocessing.Pool() print(p.map(fib,[38,37,3...
If you have already added a file to your Git repository and now want to stop tracking it (so that it won't be present in future commits), you can remove it from the index: git rm --cached <file> This will remove the file from the repository and prevent further changes from being tracked by...
Italics can be created by surrounding text with either asterisks or with underscores: *Italicized text* _Also italicized_ Result: Italicized text Also italicized
The following is how to properly use the java.util.Scanner class to interactively read user input from System.in correctly( sometimes referred to as stdin, especially in C, C++ and other languages as well as in Unix and Linux). It idiomatically demonstrates the most common things that are requested ...
You can overload the function call operator (): Overloading must be done inside of a class/struct: //R -> Return type //Types -> any different type R operator()(Type name, Type2 name2, ...) { //Do something //return something } //Use it like this (R is return type, a and b a...
Bosun alerts are defined in the config file using a custom DSL. They use functions to evaluate time series data and will generate alerts when the warn or crit expressions are non-zero. Alerts use templates to include additional information in the notifications, which are usually an email message and...
lscount returns a time bucketed count of matching documents in the LogStash index, according to the specified filter. A trivial use of this would be to check how many documents in total have been received in the 5 minutes, and alert if it is below a certain threshold. A Bosun alert for this might ...
lsstat returns various summary stats per bucket for the specified field. The field must be numeric in elastic. rStat can be one of avg, min, max, sum, sum_of_squares, variance, std_deviation. The rest of the fields behave the same as lscount, except that there is no division based on bucketDuratio...
The Promise.resolve static method can be used to wrap values into promises. let resolved = Promise.resolve(2); resolved.then(value => { // immediately invoked // value === 2 }); If value is already a promise, Promise.resolve simply recasts it. let one = new Promise(resolve => ...

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