Tutorial by Examples: alla

Detailed instructions on getting laravel set up or installed. composer is required for installing laravel easily. There are 3 methods of installing laravel in your system: Via Laravel Installer Download the Laravel installer using composer composer global require "laravel/installer&quo...
Detailed instructions on getting hdfs set up or installed.
Mapreduce is a part of Hadoop. So when Apache Hadoop (or any distribution of Hadoop is installed) MR is automatically installed. MapReduce is the data processing framework over HDFS(Hadoop distributed file system). MR jobs maybe written using Java, python, Scala, R, etc.
Detailed instructions on getting forms set up or installed.
First of all, you cannot "install" Java EE. Java EE consists of a number of specifications. You can install implementations of those specifications however. Depending on your needs, there are lots of possibilities. To install most (or all) of the specifications, you can choose a Java EE...
You can choose between major distributions of LaTeX: TeX Live (Windows, Linux, and OS X), the standard, cross-platform distribution. MacTeX (Mac) A packaged version of TeX Live made for OS X with some Mac-specific tools MiKTeX (Windows) A separate distribution entirely that All distributions...
Detailed instructions on getting WSO2 set up or installed. Almost all the WSO2 Products can be started using the wso2server.sh/bat files that can be found in the <Product_Home>/bin folder of each product. When you run the sh/bat script it will star the particular WSO2 product with default set...
Detailed instructions on getting magento2 set up or installed.
Pyinstaller is a normal python package. It can be installed using pip: pip install pyinstaller Installation in Windows For Windows, pywin32 or pypiwin32 is a prerequisite. The latter is installed automatically when pyinstaller is installed using pip. Installation in Mac OS X PyInstaller works...
Detailed instructions on getting model-view-controller set up or installed.
Log into your AWS Console and click on Lambda under the Services tab. Under Functions you'll be able to Create a Lambda function using the same-labeled button. You'll be shown a screen where you can select a blueprint. These are simply starting points to existing Lambda functions fo...
Using a CDN: <!DOCTYPE html> <head> <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/rxjs/4.1.0/rx.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <script> // `Rx` is available var one$ = Rx.Observable.of(1); var onesub = one$.subscribe(function (...
Detailed instructions on getting facebook-graph-api set up or installed.
If you have a function declared you can call it anywhere else in the code. Here is an example of calling a function: void setup(){ Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { int i = 2; int k = squareNum(i); // k now contains 4 Serial.println(k); delay(500); } int squareNum(int a)...
Linux kernel source code can be found in https://www.kernel.org/ Download extract and enter to the kernel directory Type these commands step by steps in your terminal.(Choose the appropriate version you needed instead of linux-4.7.tar.gz ) wget http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v4.7/linux-4....
Detailed instructions on getting ibm-midrange set up or installed.
;; package.el is available since emacs 24 (require 'package) ;; Add melpa package source when using package list (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "http://melpa.org/packages/") t) ;; Load emacs packages and activate them ;; This must come before configurations o...
OrientDB is available in two editions: Community Edition is released as an open source project under the Apache 2 license. This license allows unrestricted free usage for both open source and commercial projects. Enterprise Edition is commercial software built on top of the Community Edit...
There is a metamethod called __call, which defines the bevahiour of the object upon being used as a function, e.g. object(). This can be used to create function objects: -- create the metatable with a __call metamethod local meta = { __call = function(self) self.i = self.i + 1 e...
Ionic Framework A Cross-platform mobile application development framework using Angular JS and Front End web technologies. Official website: http://ionicframework.com/ Documentation: http://ionicframework.com/docs/ Installation and Setup Installation Ionic required NPM(Node Package Manager) an...

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