Tutorial by Examples: ase

With this example, you will be able to perform following operations: Connect to Firebase Storage Create a directory named “images” Upload a file in images directory Download a file from images directory Delete a file from images directory public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity...
Query can be used instead of table in import operation: sqoop import --query 'select Id,Message from TestTable where $CONDITIONS' --where 'id>100' --connect "jdbc:sqlserver://;database=Test_db --username user -–pas...
In the Project.pro file we add : CONFIG += sql in MainWindow.h we write : #include <QMainWindow> #include <QSql> #include <QDebug> namespace Ui { class MainWindow; } class MainWindow : public QMainWindow { Q_OBJECT public: explicit MainWindow(QWidget...
An object cannot occupy less than 1 byte, as then the members of an array of this type would have the same address. Thus sizeof(T)>=1 always holds. It's also true that a derived class cannot be smaller than any of its base classes. However, when the base class is empty, its size is not necessaril...
AWK often used for manipulating entire files containing a list of strings. Let's say file awk_test_file.txt contains: First String Second String Third String To convert all the strings to lower case execute: awk '{ print tolower($0) }' awk_test_file.txt This will result: first string se...
There is no revolution here, but angular constant can be useful specially when your application and/or team starts to grow ... or if you simply love writing beautiful code! Refactor code. Example with event's names. If you use a lot of events in your application, you have event's names a lit...
Dropping the database is a simple one-liner statement. Drop database will delete the database, hence always ensure to have a backup of the database if required. Below is the command to drop Employees Database DROP DATABASE [dbo].[Employees]
Option Compare Binary Binary comparison makes all checks for string equality within a module/class case sensitive. Technically, with this option, string comparisons are performed using sort order of the binary representations of each character. A < B < E < Z < a < b < e < z ...
Option Base is used to declare the default lower bound of array elements. It is declared at module level and is valid only for the current module. By default (and thus if no Option Base is specified), the Base is 0. Which means that the first element of any array declared in the module has an index...
uses SysUtils; var S1, S2: string; begin S1 := 'Foo'; S2 := LowerCase(S1); // S2 := 'foo'; S1 := UpperCase(S2); // S1 := 'FOO';
- var friends = 10 case friends when 0 p you have no friends when 1 p you have a friend default p you have #{friends} friends Result is: <p>you have 10 friends</p>
In molecular biology and genetics, GC-content (or guanine-cytosine content, GC% in short) is the percentage of nitrogenous bases on a DNA molecule that are either guanine or cytosine (from a possibility of four different ones, also including adenine and thymine). Using BioPython: >>> from...
If your team is following a rebase-based workflow, it may be a advantageous to setup git so that each newly created branch will perform a rebase operation, instead of a merge operation, during a git pull. To setup every new branch to automatically rebase, add the following to your .gitconfig or .gi...
Also known as triple equals. This operator does not test equality, but rather tests if the right operand has an IS A relationship with the left operand. As such, the popular name case equality operator is misleading. This SO answer describes it thus: the best way to describe a === b is "if I ...
DatabaseTransactions trait allows databases to rollback all the change during the tests. If you want to rollback multiple databases , you need to set $connectionsToTransact properties use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\DatabaseMigrations; class ExampleTest extends TestCase { use Databas...
--dataset schemas must be identical SELECT 'Data1' as 'Column' UNION ALL SELECT 'Data2' as 'Column' UNION ALL SELECT 'Data3' as 'Column' UNION ALL SELECT 'Data4' as 'Column' UNION ALL SELECT 'Data5' as 'Column' EXCEPT SELECT 'Data3' as 'Column' --Returns Data1, Data2, Data4, and Data5
An example of a RLMObject base model class that uses a primary key and some generic default properties. Subclasses can then set metadata specific to their needs. @interface BaseModel : RLMObject @property NSString *uuid; @property NSString *metadata; @end @implementation BaseModel + (N...
SAS is an integrated system of software solutions that enables you to perform the following tasks: data entry, retrieval, and management report writing and graphics design statistical and mathematical analysis business forecasting and decision support operations research and project managemen...
This example goes over how to set up CoreNLP from the latest official release. This example will take you through downloading the package, and running a simple command-line invocation of CoreNLP. Prerequisites: Java JVM 8. The command java -version should complete successfully with a line like: ...
A class or struct can also define member type aliases, which are type aliases contained within, and treated as members of, the class itself. struct IHaveATypedef { typedef int MyTypedef; }; struct IHaveATemplateTypedef { template<typename T> using MyTemplateTypedef = std::v...

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