Tutorial by Examples: ast

A static data member of the class may be fully defined within the class definition if it is declared inline. For example, the following class may be defined in a header. Prior to C++17, it would have been necessary to provide a .cpp file to contain the definition of Foo::num_instances so that it wou...
DATA _null_; CALL SYMPUT('testVariable','testValueText'); ;RUN; In the example above, %PUT &testVariable; will resolve to testvalueText. You may find the need to format your variable within the SYMPUT() call. DATA _null_; CALL SYMPUT('testDate',COMPRESS(PUT(today(...
This macro gives the output of a given line as the last argument of the next line function call. For e.g. (prn (str (+ 2 3))) is same as (->> 2 (+ 3) (str) (prn))
Data can be extracted from a blastdb using blastdbcmd which should be included in a blast installation. You can specify from the options below as part of -outfmt what metadata to include and in what order. From the man page: -outfmt <String> Output format, where the available format sp...
Ordered broadcasts are used when you need to specify a priority for broadcast listeners. In this example firstReceiver will receive broadcast always before than a secondReceiver: final int highPriority = 2; final int lowPriority = 1; final String action = "action"; // intent filter ...
# General syntax: # grep(<pattern>, <character vector>) mystring <- c('The number 5', 'The number 8', '1 is the loneliest number', 'Company, 3 is', 'Git SSH tag is [email protected]', 'My personal site is w...
How to find documents created 60 seconds ago seconds = 60 gen_time = datetime.datetime.today() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds) dummy_id = ObjectId.from_datetime(gen_time) db.CollectionName.find({"_id": {"$gte": dummy_id}}) If you're in a different timezone, y...
Before checking the specific syntax, let's take a look on how to setup your environment to load needed plugins. Setup To load data directly from ElasticSearch you need to download the elasticsearch-hadoop plugin. You have different ways to make it work, for a quick setup you can do the following. ...
Gradle Setup : build.gradle(Module: app) compileOptions { sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 } jackOptions { enabled true } What is the Stream API ? Stream is a new abstract layer introdu...
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Run the following bash script as sudo #!/bin/bash # get deps apt -y install build-essential libncurses5-dev libxml2-dev libsqlite3-dev libssl-dev libsrtp0-dev uuid-dev libjansson-dev # download cd /usr/src wget http://downloads.asterisk.org/pub/telephony/asterisk/asterisk-14-current.tar.gz...
If we want to disable all the actions like Copy, Paste, Replace, Select, etc from UITextField then we can use following custom text field: class CustomTextField: UITextField { var enableLongPressActions = false required init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { super.init(coder: aDecoder)! } o...
Toast is a service, which show notifications in the view. Creates and show a simple toast noticiation. import {Md2Toast} from 'md2/toast/toast'; @Component({ selector: "..." }) export class ... { ... constructor(private toast: Md2Toast) { } toastMe() { this.toast.show(...
The raycaster has an origin, where its ray starts, and a direction, where the ray goes. The origin of the raycaster is at the raycaster entity’s position. We can change the origin of the raycaster by setting the position component of the raycaster entity (or parent entities of the raycaster entity)...
Elasticsearch provides data manipulation & data searching capabilities in almost real time. under this example, we have update, delete & batch processing operations. Updating the same document. Suppose we have already indexed a document on /car/external/1 . Then running the command for i...
Forward messages one object to another by delegates, multicasting these messages to multiple observers.. Step 1:- Create NSObject class of RRMulticastDelegate Step 2:- Following code implement in RRMulticastDelegate.h file #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> @interface RRMulticastDelegate ...
Media stream containers usually have a several streams, such as a video stream and an audio stream. For example, you can get the audio stream using the following: // A Format Context - see Reading Data for more info AVFormatContext *formatContext; // Inspect packets of stream to determine prope...
An Array Data Structure is used to store similar objects (or data values) in a contiguous block of memory. Array Data Structure has fixed size, which determines the number of data values that can be stored in it. Array : The C++ Way In C++ Programming Language, we can declare a static arr...
The cursor builds on top of and depends on the raycaster component. If we want to customize the raycasting pieces of the cursor, we can do by changing the raycaster component properties. Say we want set a max distance, check for intersections less frequently, and set which objects are clickable: &l...
You can save a canvas to an image file by using the method canvas.toDataURL(), that returns the data URI for the canvas' image data. The method can take two optional parameters canvas.toDataURL(type, encoderOptions): type is the image format (if omitted the default is image/png); encoderOptions is ...

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