Tutorial by Examples: at

To find your existing .cs files, right click on the project in your instance of Visual Studio, and click Open Folder in File Explorer. Visual Studio --> Your current project (Windows Form) --> Solution Explorer --> Project Name --> Right Click --> Add --> Existing Item --> ...
Detailed instructions on getting linked-list set up or installed.
Step1 Message Flow: [![enter image description here][1]][1] Step 2: Databse Connector Configuration For this you need mysql-connector-java-5.1.40-bin.jar . Right click on Project -->build Path--> Add external archieve and add the jar(without jar it cannot be connected) Enter all the value...
xcrun simctl install booted *.app
Static analysis is the technique in which on checks the code for patterns linked to known bugs. Using this technique is less time consuming than a code review, though, its checks are only limited to those programmed in the tool. Checks can include the incorrect semi-colon behind the if-statement (i...
To fetch large data we can use generators in pandas and load data in chunks. import pandas as pd from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.engine.url import URL # sqlalchemy engine engine = create_engine(URL( drivername="mysql" username="user", ...
Let's say we have a component that should only be displayed if the user is logged in. So we create a HOC that checks for the authentication on each render(): AuthenticatedComponent.js import React from "react"; export function requireAuthentication(Component) { return class Auth...
PageTS Settings: ## Default Image cropping ## TCEFORM.sys_file_reference.crop.config.cropVariants { default { title = Desktop selectedRatio = NaN allowedAspectRatios { NaN { title = Free value = 0.0 } ...
Include the plugin from a CDN or locally after including jQuery. Then attach the .validate() method to the form in order to initialize the plugin. Within this method you can define your rules, custom messages, and other options. <script type="text/javascript" src="//cdnjs.cloudf...
Create a service- import {EventEmitter} from 'angular2/core'; export class NavService { navchange: EventEmitter<number> = new EventEmitter(); constructor() {} emitNavChangeEvent(number) { this.navchange.emit(number); } getNavChangeEmitter() { return...
Detailed instructions on getting facebook-ads-api set up or installed.
PathSense activity recognition is another good library for devices which don't have Google Play Services, as they have built their own activity recognition model, but requires developers register at http://developer.pathsense.com to get an API key and Client ID. Manifest <application andro...
Add repository repositories { maven { url "https://github.com/QuickBlox/quickblox-android-sdk-releases/raw/master/" } } Add in Project Gradle for Chat Functionality dependencies { compile("com.quickblox:quickblox-android-sdk-chat:2.6.1&...
To initialise chat service use: QBChatService.setDebugEnabled(true); // enable chat logging QBChatService.setDefaultPacketReplyTimeout(10000);//set reply timeout in milliseconds for connection's packet. Can be used for events like login, join to dialog to increase waiting response time from ...
Create session with User & Sign In to QuickBlox Chat // Initialise Chat service QBChatService chatService = QBChatService.getInstance(); final QBUser user = new QBUser("garrysantos", "garrysantospass"); QBAuth.createSession(user, new QBEntityCallback<QBSession>()...
Detailed instructions on getting internet-explorer set up or installed.
A for loop iterate through items in an enumeration program EnumLoop; uses TypInfo; type TWeekdays = (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday); var wd : TWeekdays; begin for wd in TWeekdays do WriteLn(GetEnumName(TypeInfo(TWeekdays), Ord(wd))); ...
@SpringBootApplication @RestController public class SpringBootJdbcApplication { @Autowired private JdbcTemplate template; @RequestMapping("/cars") public List<Map<String,Object>> stocks(){ return template.queryForList("select * from c...
insert into game_users values(..., ..., ..., ...); insert into game_users values(..., ..., ..., ...); insert into game_users values(..., ..., ..., ...);
Create new script section. I call that sa(Script Anonymuos) that meens for me generate JavaScript section with anonymuous function call inside. <script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { $END$ }); </script> If in your project still use old jQuery you c...

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