Tutorial by Examples: at

import UIKit struct Person { // Model let firstName: String let lastName: String } protocol GreetingViewModelProtocol: class { var greeting: String? { get } var greetingDidChange: ((GreetingViewModelProtocol) -> ())? { get set } // function to call when greeting did cha...
Create a new Java class in Android Studio and replace it's contents with the following package com.axs.unityandroidplugin; import android.util.Log; import android.widget.Toast; import android.app.ActivityManager; import android.content.Context; public class UnityAndroidNative { } ...
Search engine optimization (SEO for short) is simply the process of obtaining website visitors (or traffic) from “free” or “organic” search results in search engines like Google or Bing. All major search engines have primary search results that are ranked based on what the search engine considers m...
Configuration file contains sections, each section contains keys and values. configparser module can be used to read and write config files. Creating the configuration file:- import configparser config = configparser.ConfigParser() config['settings']={'resolution':'320x240', ...
Detailed instructions on getting genymotion set up or installed.
Detailed instructions on getting pyramid set up or installed.
With any variadic function, the function must know how to interpret the variable arguments list. The “traditional” approach (exemplified by printf) is to specify number of arguments up front. However, this is not always a good idea: /* First argument specifies the number of parameters; the remaind...
Detailed instructions on getting sugarcrm set up or installed.
To download and install Visual Studio 2017 Navigate to Visual Studio Official Website Here we will have list of Visual Studio software : 1. Visual Studio Community 2017 2. Visual Studio Professional 2017 3. Visual Studio Enterprise 2017 4. Visual Studio Code Here select your d...
import UIKit struct Person { // Entity (usually more complex e.g. NSManagedObject) let firstName: String let lastName: String } struct GreetingData { // Transport data structure (not Entity) let greeting: String let subject: String } protocol GreetingProvider { fu...
In your build.gradle you need to add the below dependencies: debugCompile 'com.squareup.leakcanary:leakcanary-android:1.5.1' releaseCompile 'com.squareup.leakcanary:leakcanary-android-no-op:1.5.1' testCompile 'com.squareup.leakcanary:leakcanary-android-no-op:1.5.1' In your Application class yo...
For Swift 3.1: In the first example one can see how you would intercept the user interacting with a textfield while writing. Similarly, there are methods in the UITextFieldDelegate that are called when a user has started and ended his interaction with a TextField. To be able to access these method...
Detailed instructions on getting codeception set up or installed.
Once the binaries are extracted, right-click on setup.exe and click on "Run as Administrator" The window above will appear. Click on Unified Functional Testing Setup. If any prerequisite appears just press "OK" Wait the Setup prepare the installation. After a fe...
First, ensure you log in, and add the access_token to your request header. In this example, we're going to do some basic operations to access records. These use the Accounts module as an example, but other standard and custom modules (i.e. Leads, Contacts, Opportunities) behave in the same way. Cr...
Detailed instructions on getting aws-api-gateway set up or installed.
Detailed instructions on getting karma-jasmine set up or installed.
You can pass data directly by assigning the property of the next view controller before you push or present it. class FirstViewController: UIViewController { func openSecondViewController() { // Here we initialize SecondViewController and set the id property to 492 let se...
Except main @conditional annotation there are set of similar annotation to be used for different cases. Class conditions The @ConditionalOnClass and @ConditionalOnMissingClass annotations allows configuration to be included based on the presence or absence of specific classes. E.g. when OObjectDa...
A model (see: Model-View-Controller pattern) in Grails is represented by a so-called Domain Class. Domain classes can define both the persistence and presentation of information in grails. Domain classes can also contain validations. To manage a fleet of cars in your Grails application you could de...

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