Tutorial by Examples: bi

\documentclass{article}% or book, report, ... \begin{document} See \cite{citeA} or \cite{citeB} or \cite{citeA, citeB}. \begin{thebibliography}{x} % \bibitem{<biblabel>} <citation> \bibitem{citeA} {\scshape Author, A}, {\itshape A title}, Journal of So-and-So, 2000....
export class MyViewModel { selectedFiles; } <template> <input type="file" files.bind="selectedFiles"> </template>
Strings Array When selecting a value in the select dropdown and providing an array of strings, the selected value will be bound to the select element's value property as a string that we can display using string interpolation. export class MyViewModel { animals = []; favouriteAnimal = nu...
Basic Checkboxes export class MyViewModel { favoriteColors = []; colors = ['Red', 'Yellow', 'Pink', 'Green', 'Purple', 'Orange', 'Blue']; } <template> <label repeat.for="color of colors"> <input type="checkbox" value.bind="color" ch...
Basic Radios export class MyViewModel { favoriteColor = null; colors = ['Red', 'Yellow', 'Pink', 'Green', 'Purple', 'Orange', 'Blue']; } <template> <label repeat.for="color of colors"> <input type="radio" name="colors" value.bind=&q...
Binding to the browser native style attribute using Aurelia. If using string interpolation, you should use the css alias so styling works in Internet Explorer. Style String export class MyViewModel { constructor() { this.styleString = 'color: #F2D3D6; background-color: #333'; } } &l...
BigInteger supports the binary logic operations that are available to Number types as well. As with all operations they are implemented by calling a method. Binary Or: BigInteger val1 = new BigInteger("10"); BigInteger val2 = new BigInteger("9"); val1.or(val2); Output:...
The @ sign binds a variable to a name during a pattern match. The bound variable can either be the entire matched object or part of the matched object: sealed trait Shape case class Rectangle(height: Int, width: Int) extends Shape case class Circle(radius: Int) extends Shape case object Point ex...
BrandVersions SupportedInternet Explorer6.0 +Firefox2.0 +Chrome1.0 +Safari4.0 +Opera9.0 +iOS (Safari)3.0 +Android Browser2.0 + Highcharts supports jQuery version 1.6+ for legacy browsers, and 2.0+ for modern browsers.
In this exercise, we will generate four bootstrap linear regression models and combine the summaries of these models into a single data frame. library(broom) #* Create the bootstrap data sets BootData <- lapply(1:4, function(i) mtcars[sample(1:nrow(mtcars), ...
This is the basic HTML file that can be used as a boilerplate when starting a project. This boilerplate uses orbit controls with damping (camera that can move around an object with deceleration effect) and creates a spinning cube. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <t...
Sometimes we need preserve whole model and transfer it across actions or even controllers. Storing model at session good solution for this type of requirements. If we combine this with powerful model binding features of MVC we get elegant way of doing so. We can create generic session based model bi...
Arithmetic computation can be also done without involving any other programs like this: Multiplication: echo $((5 * 2)) 10 Division: echo $((5 / 2)) 2 Modulo: echo $((5 % 2)) 1 Exponentiation: echo $((5 ** 2)) 25
One way to calculate the Big-O value of a procedure you've written is to determine which line of code runs the most times in your function, given your input size n. Once you have that number, take out all but the fastest-growing terms and get rid of the coefficents - that is the Big-O notation of yo...
Run the install on a single run command to merge the update and install. If you add more packages later, this will run the update again and install all the packages needed. If the update is run separately, it will be cached and package installs may fail. Setting the frontend to noninteractive and pa...
Since Java 7 it has been possible to use one or more underscores (_) for separating groups of digits in a primitive number literal to improve their readability. For instance, these two declarations are equivalent: Java SE 7 int i1 = 123456; int i2 = 123_456; System.out.println(i1 == i2); // tru...
Simple toggle() case function toggleBasic() { $(".target1").toggle(); } With specific duration function toggleDuration() { $(".target2").toggle("slow"); // A millisecond duration value is also acceptable } ...and callback function toggleCallback() { ...
Padding Remember, members of a struct are usually padded to ensure they are aligned on their natural boundary: struct t { int a, b, c, d; // a is at offset 0, b at 4, c at 8, d at 0ch char e; // e is at 10h short f; // f is at 12h (naturally aligned) lo...
To start a bibliography you need to define your sources. Create a database file (like sources.bib) and include some content: @book{Doe1993, Author = {John Doe}, Publisher = {Earth University}, Title = {Creating a bibliography with biber}, Year = {1993}} You can then include y...
This is a specialized field, used to store binary data. It only accepts bytes. Data is base64 serialized upon storage. As this is storing binary data, this field cannot be used in a filter. from django.db import models class MyModel(models.Model): my_binary_data = models.BinaryField() ...

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