Tutorial by Examples: bi

The binder gives you an opportunity to inspect what types are being loaded in your application domain Create a class inherited from SerializationBinder class MyBinder : SerializationBinder { public override Type BindToType(string assemblyName, string typeName) { if (typeName.Eq...
The most important part of your RMD file is the YAML header. For writing an academic paper, I suggest to use PDF output, numbered sections and a table of content (toc). --- title: "Writing an academic paper in R" author: "Author" date: "Date" output: pdf_documen...
This small example shows how you can lose backward compatibility in your programs if you do not take care in advance about this. And ways to get more control of serialization process At first, we will write an example of the first version of the program: Version 1 [Serializable] class Data { ...
Of course, just like most things in browser JavaScript, you just can't count on the fact that everything will be the same everywhere. In this case, requestAnimationFrame might have a prefix on some platforms and are named differently, such as webkitRequestAnimationFrame. Fortunately, there's a reall...
set importantvar=importantstuff call :stuff 123 var1 rem More code... :stuff <arg1> <arg2> setlocal set importantvar=%~1 echo Writing some stuff into %~2! endlocal set %~2=some stuff setlocal set importantvar=junk endlocal goto :eof This utilizes the basic function, setl...
To add a resource to the cache you must provide a key and the resource. First make sure that the value is not in the cache already public void addResourceToMemoryCache(String key, Bitmap resource) { if (memoryCache.get(key) == null) memoryCache.put(key, resource); }
To get a resource from the cache simply pass the key of your resource (String in this example) public Bitmap getResourceFromMemoryCache(String key) { memoryCache.get(key); }
Custom binding definition function regExReplace(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) { var observable = valueAccessor(); var textToReplace = allBindingsAccessor().textToReplace || ''; var pattern = allBindingsAccessor().pattern || ''; var flags = all...
Layout XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <layout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"> <data> </data> <LinearLayout android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_wid...
Standards Accessibility/Laws - GNOME Wiki! Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Standards and Guidelines: Section 508 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Standards and Guidelines: Section 508 Refresh Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) 1.0 (W3C R...
Despite you can write a binary number in C++14 like: int number =0b0001'0101; // ==21 here comes a famous example with a self-made implementation for binary numbers: Note: The whole template expanding program is running at compile time. template< char FIRST, char... REST > struct binary {...
Default WooCommerce checkout form comes with several fields for customers to enter their billing details. But in some cases, you might want to hide some of these fields. For example, if you are selling only virtual products, you can get rid of fields like billing address. Use the following code sn...
In C++, code must be declared or defined before usage. For example, the following produces a compile time error: int main() { foo(2); // error: foo is called, but has not yet been declared } void foo(int x) // this later definition is not known in main { } There are two ways to resolve...
The following example is tested on Windows 8 pro 64-bit operating system with python 2.7 and scrapy v 1.2. Let assume that we have already installed the scrapy framework. MySQL database that we will use in the following tutorial CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `scrapy_items` ( `id` bigint(20) UNSIGN...
XmlView: <mvc:View controllerName="sap.m.sample.ListCounter.List" xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" xmlns="sap.m"> <List headerText="Products" items="{products>/Products}"> <!-- Template of ...
<mvc:View controllerName="sap.m.sample.ListCounter.List" xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" xmlns="sap.m"> <List headerText="Fruits" items="{path:'products>/Products', sorter:{path:'Name'}, filter:{path:'Type', o...
XmlView: <mvc:View controllerName="sap.ui.demo.wt.controller.App" xmlns="sap.m" xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" displayBlock="true"> <App> <pages> <Page content="{path:'Tiles>/Tiles',fact...
Two-element tuples (,) is an example of a type that has a Bifunctor instance. instance Bifunctor (,) where bimap f g (x, y) = (f x, g y) bimap takes a pair of functions and applies them to the tuple's respective components. bimap (+ 2) (++ "nie") (3, "john") --> (5,...
Bifunctor is the class of types with two type parameters (f :: * -> * -> *), both of which can be covariantly mapped over simultaneously. class Bifunctor f where bimap :: (a -> c) -> (b -> d) -> f a b -> f c d bimap can be thought of as applying a pair of fmap operation...
Go to https://bitbucket.org/dashboard/overview Login to your Bitbucket account Choose repositories from the top menu, then choose Create Repository Choose the owner, enter the repository name and select if you want to have it public or private repository Choose the repository type (Git or Merc...

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