Tutorial by Examples: call

<script src="https://apis.google.com/js/api.js"></script> <script> function start() { // 2. Initialize the JavaScript client library. gapi.client.init({ 'apiKey': 'YOUR_API_KEY', // clientId and scope are optional if auth is not required. 'clientId': 'YOUR_WEB_CL...
The principle is essentially the same as for the Text widget, but a Grid layout is used to put the scrollbars around the widget. canvas = tk.Canvas(parent, width=150, height=150) canvas.create_oval(10, 10, 20, 20, fill="red") canvas.create_oval(200, 200, 220, 220, fill="blue")...
GameScene code example: import SpriteKit protocol GameViewControllerDelegate: class { func callMethod(inputProperty:String) } class GameScene: SKScene { weak var gameViewControllerDelegate:GameViewControllerDelegate? override func didMove(to view: SKView) { gameViewContro...
Recommended way of production deployment calls for using Apache/Nginx for serving the static content. Thus, when DEBUG is false static and media contents fail to load. However, we can load the static content in deployment without having to setup Apache/Nginx server for our app using: python manage....
$command = 'Get-ChildItem' & $Command Will execute Get-ChildItem
In MVC, there are some scenerios where you want to specify an action for routing purposes, either for a link, form action, or a redirect to action. You can specify an action via the MVC namespace. When given a Controller, such as HomeController: public class HomeController : Controller { pub...
Main Component File: //our root app component import {Component, NgModule, ViewChild, ViewContainerRef, ComponentFactoryResolver, ComponentRef} from '@angular/core' import {BrowserModule} from '@angular/platform-browser' import {ChildComponent} from './childComp.ts' @Component({ selector: ...
You can load AngularJS services in vanilla JavaScript using AngularJS injector() method. Every jqLite element retrieved calling angular.element() has a method injector() that can be used to retrieve the injector. var service; var serviceName = 'myService'; var ngAppElement = angular.element(do...
To call this code you should create the jar of your scala code. Than you have to call your spark submit like this: spark-submit --master yarn-client --jars ./my-scala-code.jar --driver-class-path ./my-scala-code.jar main.py This will allow you to call any kind of scala code that you need in your...
When using d3.request() or one of the convenience constructors (d3.json, d3.csv, d3.tsv, d3.html and d3.xml) there are many sources for error. There may be problems with the issued request or its response due to network errors, or the parsing might fail if the content is not well-formed. Within the...
Sometimes we'd like to pause code execution to inspect the state of the application (see Debugging). When running code through the MATLAB editor, this can be done using the "Pause" button in the UI or by pressing Ctrl+c (on Windows). However, when a computation was initiated from a GUI (vi...
After you have set a few data to database and have get a structure consisting of several nodes like this; "user" : { "-KdbKcU2ptfYF2xKb5aO" : { "firstName" : "Arthur", "lastName" : "Schopenhauer", "userName&q...
This Example using Standard EXE Project With addition of a Module File. Create New "Standard EXE" Project. So here, a Form will get added to the Project by default. Add a Module File to the Project Place a Command Button on the Form Create Command Button Click Event. Module code...
Typically, you will want to create your SimpleJdbcCalls in a Service. This example assumes your procedure has a single output parameter that is a cursor; you will need to adjust your declareParameters to match your procedure. @Service public class MyService() { @Autowired private DataSour...
Suppose we'd like to invoke the JavaScript function JSON.stringify which receives an object, encodes it into a JSON string and returns it. All we'd have to do is write the function signature, mark it as external and annotate it with the @JS annotation: @JS("JSON.stringify") external St...
In this example you will explore how to export the following data from Acumatica ERP in a single call via the REST Contract-Based API: all stock items existing in the application all sales order of the IN type If you need to export records from Acumatica ERP, use the following URL: http://&l...
import android.content.Context; import android.os.Bundle; import android.support.constraint.ConstraintLayout; import android.support.constraint.ConstraintSet; import android.support.transition.TransitionManager; import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity; import android.view.View; publ...
new Vue({ el:"#app", data:{ foo: "bar" }, methods:{ doSomethingAsynchronous(){ setTimeout(function(){ // This is wrong! Inside this function, // "this" refers to the window object. this.foo = "baz"; ...
This example uses Icarus and GTKWave. Installation instructions for those tools on OSx are provided elsewhere on this page. Lets begin with the module design. This module is a BCD to 7 segment display. I have coded the design in an obtuse way simply to give us something that is easily broken and...

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