Tutorial by Examples: call

The vertical layout set up the object inside it vertically. #include "mainwindow.h" #include <QApplication> #include <QMainWindow> #include <QWidget> #include <QVBoxLayout> #include <QPushButton> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication...
public function house() { $config['base_url'] = site_url().'/user/house/'; $config['total_rows'] = $this->houses->select_row_house_design(); $config['per_page'] = 12; $config['cur_tag_open'] = '<li><a><b>'; $config['cur_tag_close'] = '&...
DATA _null_; CALL SYMPUT('testVariable','testValueText'); ;RUN; In the example above, %PUT &testVariable; will resolve to testvalueText. You may find the need to format your variable within the SYMPUT() call. DATA _null_; CALL SYMPUT('testDate',COMPRESS(PUT(today(...
It is very common for C functions to accept pointers to other functions as arguments. Most popular example is setting an action to be executed when a button is clicked in some GUI toolkit library. It is possible to pass Haskell functions as C callbacks. To call this C function: void event_callback...
Interceptors are a good tool for implementing cross-cutting concerns such as logging or authentication. Let's say we have a following service: public interface IService { string CreateOrder(NetworkCredential credentials, Order orderToCreate); string DeleteOrder(NetworkCredential credenti...
Once you become familiar with the code to call one method on one Google service, you will be able to infer how to call any method on any Google service. First, we make a connection to the service using the credential object instantiated in the previous example: CloudResourceManagerService service ...
Once you become familiar with the code to call one method on one Google service, you will be able to infer how to call any method on any Google service. First, we make a connection to the service using the credential object instantiated in the previous example: service = build( SERVICE_NAME, ...
//Header File <CallKit/CXCallObserver.h> CXCallObserver *callObserver = [[CXCallObserver alloc] init]; // If queue is nil, then callbacks will be performed on main queue [callObserver setDelegate:self queue:nil]; // Don't forget to store reference to callObserver, to prevent it ...
To call the QML classes in C++, you need to set the objectName property. In your Qml: import QtQuick.Controls 2.0 Button { objectName: "buttonTest" } Then, in your C++, you can get the object with QObject.FindChild<QObject*>(QString) Like that: QQmlApplicationEngine e...
function exampleCloseIncident(id, status){ var parameters = {}; var incidentresolution = {}; incidentresolution["[email protected]"] = "/incidents(" + id + ")"; incidentresolution["@odata.type"] = "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.incidentre...
For a C-style function call, e.g. plus(a, b); // Parentheses surrounding only the arguments, comma separated Then the equivalent Haskell code will be (plus a b) -- Parentheses surrounding the function and the arguments, no commas In Haskell, parentheses are not explicitly required for functi...
In the previous example, we didn't end up needing the parentheses, because they did not affect the meaning of the statement. However, they are often necessary in more complex expression, like the one below. In C: plus(a, take(b, c)); In Haskell this becomes: (plus a (take b c)) -- or equivale...
/// <summary> /// Simple Get method /// </summary> /// <returns> Json formated data </returns> public string GetJsonData1() { IOperations _Obj = ClsOperations.GetOperations(); string url = "
/// <summary> /// Post Method with input parameter /// </summary> /// <returns> Json formated data </returns> public string GetJsonData2() { IOperations _Obj = ClsOperations.GetOperations(); string url = "
/// <summary> /// Post Method with Input/ data to post in JSON format /// </summary> /// <returns> Json formated data </returns> public string GetJsonData3() { IOperations _Obj = ClsOperations.GetOperations(); string url = "htt...
/// <summary> /// Post Method with Input/ data to post in JSON format Or you can send dictionary as shown in previous methods /// </summary> /// <returns> Json formated data </returns> public void GetJsonData4() { IOperations _Obj = ClsOpera...
Ajax calls, request and retrieve data for giving the user a sense of a better interactive user interface experience. This article will show you how to use jQuery and send data through Ajax calls. For this example, we’re going to POST the following JavaScript object to our server. var post = { ...
Using sequence function you can easily describe a message that calls a list of other messages. It's useful when dealing with semantics of your messages. Example 1: You are making a game engine, and you need to refresh the screen on every frame. module Video exposing (..) type Message = module Vid...
ArgumentCaptor will to receive the actual invocation arguments that has been passed to method. ArgumentCaptor<Foo> captor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Foo.class); verify(mockObj).doSomethind(captor.capture()); Foo invocationArg = captor.getValue(); //do any assertions on invocationArg For ...
This example shows how to submit the WFFM form in code. var controlResults = new List<ControlResult>(); controlResults.Add(new ControlResult(Pdf_Request_Form.Name.ItemID.ToString(), "Name", name, string.Empty)); controlResults.Add(new ControlResult(Pdf_Request_Form.Email.ItemID.To...

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