Tutorial by Examples: ce

Using yield break as opposed to break might not be as obvious as one may think. There are lot of bad examples on the Internet where the usage of the two is interchangeable and doesn't really demonstrate the difference. The confusing part is that both of the keywords (or key phrases) make sense only...
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using DocumentFormat.OpenXml; using A = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing; using DW = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Wordprocessing; using PIC = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Pictures; using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Wordpr...
Now open the document using OpenXML, you must add an imagePart that references the picture object to the MainDocumentPart object by using a file stream, and get the ID of the image string temp; MainDocumentPart mainPart = document.MainDocumentPart; ImagePart ima...
In office OpenXML, a picture that is inserted into a word document is considered a "Blip" Object or element. The class is derived from the DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing the Blip must have an Embed value that is an imagePart ID. The Blip object then goes inside a BlipFill Object/element, a...
Now you have a reference of the image. Insert the image into the shapes in the template document. To do this, you will have to use some LINQ to iterate through the document and get a reference to all the shapes in the document. The wps:spPr element you see in the above XML code is the xml element fo...
Now that you have a collection of all the shape references in the document. Loop through the collection with a foreach, and through each iteration create a Blip object. Set the Blip object embed value to the picture ID reference you captured earlier from the image part. Also create a Stretch object...
For a class-less React component: function SomeComponent(props){ const ITEMS = ['cat', 'dog', 'rat'] function getItemsList(){ return ITEMS.map(item => <li key={item}>{item}</i>); } return ( <ul> {getItemsList()} ...
Having lots of styles in App.xaml will quickly become complex, so they can be placed in separate resource dictionaries. In order to use the dictionary, it must be merged with App.xaml. So, in App.xaml, after the resource dictionary has been created: <Application xmlns="http://s...
To start with creating your own service, take a look at the base class of each service, which is called ItsG5Service. Also you can look at the CamService and the DenmService as they are already implemented services. All application related files and classes can be found in the artery/application sub...
parent.html.twig <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>{{ title_variable | default('Normal Page') }}</title> </head> <body> <h1>This is the {{ title_variable }} Page</h1> </body> </html> ...
Excel has many Formulas built right in. Here are a few examples of some of the basic Formulas that might be handy to know when getting started with Excel: Important Note : The name and Syntax of these Formulas vary on the language of your Excel installation! For example this Function here : in Eng...
During coding, unexpected errors do arise frequently enough, which requires debugging and testing. But sometimes the errors are indeed expected and to bypass it, there is the Try..Catch..Throw..Finally..End Try block. To manage an error correctly, the code is put into a Try..Catch block, whereby th...
Storyboard: Initial viewController: an empty viewController with a button to present the GameViewController GameViewController: the typical GameViewController of the "Hello World" Sprite-kit template. Goal: I want to present the first viewController from my SKScene game with the corre...
Suppose you want to see if a certain set of sales prices makes sense for a store. The items originally cost $5, so you don't want to accept the sale if the sales price is less for any of them, but you do want to know what the new price is otherwise. Calculating one price is easy: you calculate the...
/// <summary> /// Post Method with input parameter /// </summary> /// <returns> Json formated data </returns> public string GetJsonData2() { IOperations _Obj = ClsOperations.GetOperations(); string url = "
/// <summary> /// Post Method with Input/ data to post in JSON format /// </summary> /// <returns> Json formated data </returns> public string GetJsonData3() { IOperations _Obj = ClsOperations.GetOperations(); string url = "htt...
/// <summary> /// Post Method with Input/ data to post in JSON format Or you can send dictionary as shown in previous methods /// </summary> /// <returns> Json formated data </returns> public void GetJsonData4() { IOperations _Obj = ClsOpera...
/// <summary> /// Post Method with Input/ data to post in JSON format Or you can send dictionary as shown in previous methods /// </summary> /// <returns> Json formated data </returns> public DataTable GetJsonData6() { ...
/* By Default if you send only url then automatically it will recognize as GET Method and if service having parameters with, Then automatically will convert to POST Method. But I observed some of the services having only URL but are POST Type. For the purpose you can forcefully make the method as yo...
There are two ever-so-slightly different engines of regular expressions implemented in R. The default is called POSIX-consistent; all regex functions in R are also equipped with an option to turn on the latter type: perl = TRUE. Look-ahead/look-behind perl = TRUE enables look-ahead and look-behind...

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